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Tallea - The Night Warrior

Medium ascended mortal, chaotic neutral
Armor Class: 22
Hit Points: 600
Speed: 40 ft , fly: 100 ft , swim: 30 ft , can hover


20 +5


20 +5


20 +5


14 +2


8 -1


1 -5

Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Languages: Abyssal, Darnassian, Common

Gifts of Mother Moon

You recieve advanced lunar varaint druid spells which can be cast alongside the spells and actions you already have and know. Any offensive druid spells not listed below that you already know recieve an extra 1d8 damage as Astral Damage.

6th Level Night Warrior Spell Slots: 3

7th Level Night Warrior Spell Slots: 1

Mass Gift of Elune (6th Level)

Cast Time: 1 Action. Range: 60ft

A wave of soothing lunar energy washes from a chosen location. You choose up to 6 creatures to heal. They are healed for 3d20 split among them. The healing increases by 1d10 for each level above 6th the spell is cast.

Wrath of Elune (6th Level)

Cast Time: 1 Action. Range: 60ft. Concentration: 10 Turns

A beam of astral energy falls from the sky and devastates a 15ft circle. All creatures within must succeed a DC18 Constitution Saving Throw or be blinded, and take 6d8 Astral Damage per turn. Successful saves aren't blinded and take half as much damage ( 3d8 ). You may use an action on a subsequent turn to move the beam.

Storm of Stars (7th Level)

Cast Time: 2 Actions. Range: Unlimited. Must be subject to an eclipse.

Beams of astral energy fall from the moon and stars, and land in areas of your chosing. The astral beams may be up to 10x10 foot cubes. Any enemy within must succeed a DC19 Dexterity Saving Throw or take 8d10 Astral Damage, or half as much on a successful save.


Warglaives of Elune

You are now proficient with your Moon Priestess' Warglaives, which blaze with Astral Power. You may make 2 attacks, one with each warglaive, as an attack action on your turn.

Warglaive of Elune: 1d20+7 to hit, dealing 4d10+3d8 Astral Damage.

If you miss with this weapon, suffer 3d8 Astral Damage as you struggle to contain Elune's power.

Passive Effects

  • Your Hit Points are set to 600.
  • You may recieve healing, but cannot regain HP from resting.
  • You are immune to life and nature damage.
  • You have 100ft feet of flight and can hover weightlessly in the air.
  • You gain 3x 6th Level Spell Slots and 1x 7th Level Spell Slots for Night Warrior Druid Spells.
  • You may roll all your Night Warrior and other prepared Druid spells with Strength as your spell casting modifier instead of Wisdom.
  • Your voice echoes as far as you wish it to go.
  • You can control the weather, and whether the sun and / or moon are in the sky.
  • You can create eclipses (as a bonus action).
  • You are unable to shapeshift.
  • You take 2x damage from all sources.
  • Your Charisma is set to 1.
  • You roll with advantage on intimidation checks, and do not take the penalty for your charisma score against your roll.

Legendary Actions

Upon reaching 0HP, The Night Warrior may reach out to Elune, to ask why she has forsaken you.

You have petitioned Elune in your hour of need, and with the sacrifice of a hated enemy, she has permitted you to wear her darkest face.

You are The Night Warrior. You carry Elune's strength, but the wrath you feel is yours alone. You are the instrument of your own vengeance

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