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The Griffon’s Saddlebag

Miracle Crafted Quick Change Ring


Very Rare

The ring grows and shrinks to fit its wearer perfectly once equipped. The ring has an extradimensional space inside it dedicated to carrying armor and easily equipping that armor. You can magically bind two sets of unworn light, medium or heavy armor to this extradimensional space over the course of 1 hour by resting the ring on top of the armor. Only two suits of armor can be bound to the ring’s extradimensional space. Binding a third suit breaks the bond with one of the bound armors, causing it to be forced from the extradimensional space and appear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the ring. While wearing the ring, you can use a bonus action to speak its command word and touch a suit of bound armor, even if you’re wearing it, to shunt it into the ring’s extradimensional space. Speaking the command word again while the armor is in the ring causes you to magically don the armor, adjusting to fit you as needed, or causes it to appear at your feet (your choice). If you're already wearing a suit of armor which the ring is also bound with when you don one in this way, the bound armors switch places, if you are wearing an unbonded armor it appears at your feet instead.

Cost: 10 000 gp

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