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Alexander Quinte

30 Level (0/655000 XP for level-up) Background Human Race / Species / Heritage Alignment
Level 20
Hit Dice: 20/20
1d6+2 Class 1
Level 10
Hit Dice: 10/10
1d10+2 Class 2

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
5 / 5
Superiority Dice
+18 Expertise Bonus
+9 Proficiency Bonus
+4 Jack of all Trades
+11 Strength
+12 Dexterity
+11 Constitution
+10 Intelligence
+0 Wisdom
+3 Charisma
saving throws
+12 Acrobatics DEX
+0 Animal Handling WIS
+1 Arcana INT
+11 Athletics STR
+3 Deception CHA
+1 History INT
+0 Insight WIS
+12 Intimidation CHA
+1 Investigation INT
+0 Medicine WIS
+1 Nature INT
+9 Perception WIS
+3 Performance CHA
+3 Persuasion CHA
+1 Religion INT
+3 Sleight of Hand DEX
+3 Stealth DEX
+9 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type



You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.



You gain the following benefits:

Akimbo Shooting. When you make an attack with a firearm that has the light property, you can make an additional attack with another firearm that has a light property using your bonus action, without adding your ability modifier to the damage. At 11th level, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of that attack.

Taking Cover. You can use your bonus action to Hide after making an attack using a gunsmith weapon.

Point Blank. You don't have disadvantage when making an attack with a ranged weapon against a target within 5 feet

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You can treat firearms as melee weapons that deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit, or 1d8 damage if the firearm has the two-handed property. Additionally, when you make a ranged weapon attack using a firearm against a creature within 5 feet of you, you can make a melee weapon attack using that firearm as a bonus action.

Blind Shot
Blind Shot

You don't need to look at your targets, letting your instincts guide your hand. You no longer have disadvantage when fighting unseen creatures, nor do they have advantage against you.


If you have half of your maximum hit points remaining or less, gain the following effects:

  • You are immune to the frightened condition.

  • You can ignore any levels of exhaustion currently affecting you.

Subclass Options

Poker Face
Poker Face

You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to prevent others from sensing your motives, perceiving your emotions, or reading your thoughts.

Quick Draw
Quick Draw

Gunslingers have twitch reflexes, and can pull a gun in the blink of an eye. You have advantage on initiative rolls. Additionally, you can draw or stow up to two weapons when you roll initiative and whenever you take an action on your turn.

Eagle Eye
Eagle Eye

You can add twice your proficiency modifier to Wisdom (Perception) checks you make that rely on sight.

Lock N' Load
Lock N' Load

You can load or reload a firearm you are holding as part of your movement.

Dodge Roll
Dodge Roll

You’ve learned to tumble away from ranged attacks. Whenever you are on the ground and take damage from a source more than 10 feet away which you can see, you can use your reaction to dodge out of the way of further assault, moving a distance up to half your movement speed, and if you move at least 5 feet, reducing the damage by an amount equal to your Dexterity modifier. While moving in this manner, enemies have disadvantage on attacks of opportunity made against you.


You can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon’s fiery breath or an

ice storm

spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Skilled Rider
Skilled Rider

When you are mounted, you have advantage on saving throws and checks made to direct your mount, calm your mount, and to stay mounted.


When you land a shot on an enemy using a bullet, you can ricochet the bullet to another enemy within 15 feet of the original target. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + half your gunslinger level (rounded down). Regain all uses of this feature after a short or long rest.


You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet.

Bigger Boom
Bigger Boom

Coat your grenades in homemade agents to make them more explosive. Spend up to 1 hour coating up to 30 grenades.

The radius of any coated ammo you use is increasd by 5 feet.

Cold Shooter
Cold Shooter

You can expose yourself to danger to get a perfect shot. Whenever a creature makes an attack against you, you can allow that creature to make the attack with advantage.

If the attack misses, you can immediately make an attack against that creature without expending a reaction. On a hit, that attack is considered a critical strike.

Piercing Shot
Piercing Shot

You've refined your deadly gun-play to allow certain shots to pierce through foes and continue on to damage others. Make an attack roll using ammo for a single target spell. If the attack hits, you make an attack roll with disadvantage against every creature directly behind the target within your first range increment.

Rapid Shot
Rapid Shot

You learn to trade accuracy for fast shots. If you take the Attack action on your turn and have advantage on an attack roll against against one of the targets, you can forgo the advantage for that roll to make an additional weapon attack against that target, as part of the same action. You can do so no more than once per turn.



You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.

Action Surge
Action Surge

You can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Superiority Dice
Superiority Dice

You have four superiority dice, which are d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest.

You gain another superiority die at 7th level and one more at 15th level.

Disarming Attack
Disarming Attack

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it’s holding. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops the object you choose. The object lands at its feet.

Precision Attack
Precision Attack

When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature, you can expend one superiority die to add it to the roll. You can use this manoeuvre before or after making the attack roll, but before any effects of the attack are applied.


When another creature damages you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend one superiority die to reduce the damage by the number you roll on your superiority die + your Dexterity modifier.

Extra Attack
Extra Attack

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in this class.


You can reroll a saving throw that you fail. If you do so, you must use the new roll, and you can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 13th level and three times between long rests starting at 17th level.

Subclass Options

Danger Sense
Danger Sense

You gain an uncanny sense of when things nearby aren’t as they should be, giving you an edge when you dodge away from danger.

You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, you can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Stillness of Mind
Stillness of Mind

You can use your action to end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.




You have mastered ranged weapons and can make shots that others find nigh-impossible. You gain the following benefits:

  • Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls.
  • Your ranged weapon attacks reduce your target's cover rating by one step. Three-quarters cover reduces to half cover. Half cover becomes no cover. This does not affect a target in total cover as they are still not an eligible target for your attack.
  • Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If that attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.



Always on the lookout for danger, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.
  • You can't be surprised while you are conscious.
  • Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen.




Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • If you can see a creature's mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it's saying by reading its lips.
  • You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.

Features & Traits

Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 0, Platinum: 0 Money


Common, Lotharian, Perlisian, Simekian

Weapon Proficiencies

Firearms, Dagger, Shortbow, Longbow, Whip, Light Crossbow and Hand Crossbow

Armour Proficiencies

Light Armour and Shields

Languages & Proficiencies
Disciplined Leader

Alexander exhibits strong leadership qualities, maintaining discipline within his private army and expecting high standards of professionalism from his subordinates.

Loving Father

Despite his stern exterior, Alexander's love for his daughter, Danielle, is evident. He is devoted to her well-being and safety, providing guidance and support as she grows.

Battle-Hardened Veteran

Having honed his combat skills fighting vampires in Lothaire, Alexander is a seasoned warrior. His experience in battles has shaped him into a formidable and strategic fighter.

Loyal to a Fault

Loyalty is a core value for Alexander. He is fiercely dedicated to those he cares about, be it his daughter, allies, or the cause he believes in.

Reserved and Stoic

Alexander tends to keep his emotions in check, presenting a stoic and reserved demeanor. This quality contributes to his commanding presence and can make it challenging for others to read him.

Protective Guardian

Alexander takes on the role of a protective guardian, not only for his daughter but also for those under his command. He is willing to go to great lengths to ensure the safety of those he cares about.

Strategic Thinker

Alexander approaches challenges with a strategic mindset. His ability to analyze situations and devise effective plans contributes to the success of his private army's operations.

Respected Authority Figure

Due to his leadership skills and combat expertise, Alexander is widely respected by those within the facility. His authoritative presence commands respect and obedience.

Personality Traits
Protection of the Innocent

Alexander is driven by a deep-seated commitment to safeguarding those who cannot defend themselves, a value instilled in him during his time assisting the Church of Lothaire against vampire threats.

Parental Responsibility

The loss of his wife and the responsibility of raising Danielle shaped Alexander's ideals. He prioritizes the well-being and upbringing of his daughter, aiming to provide her with the best life possible.

Justice for the Fallen

Alexander harbors a sense of justice, particularly for those who have suffered injustices or lost their lives. This ideal drives his dedication to creating a secure environment and seeking retribution for those who have been wronged.

Fight Against Darkness

Stemming from his experiences in Lothaire, Alexander carries a metaphorical torch against the darkness, be it literal threats like vampires or the metaphorical shadows that may lurk in the world. He is committed to bringing light to the lives of others.

Parental Devotion

The strongest bond in Alexander's life is his unwavering love and commitment to his daughter, Danielle. He would go to great lengths to ensure her safety, happiness, and success.

Church Ties

Alexander maintains connections with the Church of Lothaire, the organization he once served. Though he may no longer actively participate, he feels a sense of loyalty to those who fight against the vampire threats in his home country.

Memories of His Late Wife

Alexander holds onto the memories of his deceased wife, and while it may bring moments of sorrow, it serves as a bond that influences his actions and decisions.

Mercenary Comrades

Throughout his mercenary career, Alexander formed bonds with fellow warriors. These connections, forged in the heat of battle and shared challenges, contribute to his sense of camaraderie.

Masozi Facility

Alexander's commitment to the Masozi facility, its purpose, and the people within forms a bond that influences his dedication to maintaining security and order.

Sense of Justice

The bond with his innate sense of justice ties Alexander to the pursuit of fairness and retribution. He is driven to right wrongs and bring justice to those who deserve it.

Overprotective Father

Alexander's deep love for his daughter, Danielle, can sometimes lead to overprotectiveness. This may create tension as he struggles to balance her independence with his desire to keep her safe.

Haunted by Loss

The death of his wife during childbirth left a lasting impact on Alexander. He occasionally grapples with grief, and the memories of his past can affect his mood and decision-making.

Rigid Sense of Justice

While his commitment to justice is a strength, Alexander's rigid adherence to his own moral code might make it challenging for him to adapt to situations that require flexibility or compromise.

Mercenary Past Haunts Him

The deeds and choices made during his mercenary days occasionally resurface in his thoughts, creating internal conflicts about his past actions and decisions.

Difficulty Trusting Others

Due to the dangers he faced as a mercenary and the constant threat of betrayal, Alexander finds it challenging to trust new acquaintances fully. This can create barriers in forming alliances.

Burdened by Responsibilities

As the head of the facility's private army and a single parent, Alexander often feels the weight of responsibilities. This burden might affect his work-life balance and personal well-being.


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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