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Selenaia Perlis

1 Level (0/300 XP for level-up) Perlisian Background Human Race / Species / Heritage Alignment
Level 1
Hit Dice: 1/1
1d4+1 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
+4 Expertise Bonus
+2 Proficiency Bonus
+1 Jack of all Trades
-1 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+1 Constitution
+0 Intelligence
+1 Wisdom
+4 Charisma
saving throws
+2 Acrobatics DEX
+1 Animal Handling WIS
+0 Arcana INT
-1 Athletics STR
+4 Deception CHA
+0 History INT
+1 Insight WIS
+4 Intimidation CHA
+0 Investigation INT
+1 Medicine WIS
+0 Nature INT
+1 Perception WIS
+6 Performance CHA
+6 Persuasion CHA
+0 Religion INT
+2 Sleight of Hand DEX
+2 Stealth DEX
+1 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type



You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.




Skilled at mimicry and dramatics, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Performance) checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person.
  • You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.

Features & Traits

Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 0, Platinum: 0 Money


Common, Perlisian

Tool Proficiencies

Cook's Utensils, Weaver's Tools

Languages & Proficiencies
Docile Obedience

Selenaia exhibits a profound sense of obedience, following instructions without question or hesitation. Her compliance is driven by a deep-seated fear of consequences, making her a passive presence in Lady Silvius' service.

Emotional Suppression

The trauma has led Selenaia to suppress her emotions, creating a veneer of stoicism that conceals the emotional turmoil within. She rarely displays genuine emotions, as years of abuse have taught her to keep her feelings hidden.

Subdued Spirit

Once vibrant and hopeful, Selenaia's spirit is now subdued. She lacks the spark and energy she once possessed, moving through her duties with a mechanical and lifeless demeanor.

Haunted Gaze

Selenaia's eyes betray the haunting memories and pain she carries. Her gaze, once bright with hope, is now clouded by trauma, revealing a depth of suffering that words fail to articulate.

Personality Traits
Obedience for Safety

Her ideals emphasize complete submission to avoid further harm, leading her to obey Silvius without question.

Hopelessness and Despair

Selenaia might adopt a belief that escape or a better future is impossible, embracing a sense of despair and accepting her grim reality.

Coping through Disassociation

She might detach emotionally, seeking refuge in a mental space that allows her to endure the abuse without feeling the full weight of the suffering.

Silent Compliance

Selenaia's ideals could center around minimizing attention and avoiding punishment, leading her to be as unobtrusive as possible.

Chains of Subjugation

Selenaia is bound to Silvius by the chains of servitude, forced to endure unspeakable acts and abuses, creating an unbreakable bond born from cruelty.

Fearful Dependence

Her bonds could be fueled by fear, the terror of what might happen if she resists or disobeys, keeping her obedient to Silvius' every command.

Emotional Isolation

The bonds may also include a profound sense of isolation, with Silvius intentionally cutting her off from any emotional connections or support.

Orphanage Bonds

elenaia's heart still holds echoes of the camaraderie she shared with the other children at the orphanage. The memories of their shared struggles and small joys remain a bittersweet connection, a reminder of the innocence she once knew before her life took a dark turn.

Maternal Figures

The couple who ran the orphanage acted as parental figures in Selenaia's life, offering kindness and warmth. Their faces linger in her memory as beacons of a time when the world seemed gentler. Silvius' cruel actions may have severed the physical connection, but Selenaia carries the echoes of their care and wishes she could return to the embrace of their love.

Submissive Compliance

Selenaia's traumatic experiences have left her with a deep-seated fear of resistance. She complies unquestioningly with the demands placed upon her, even to her detriment. The trauma has eroded her sense of self-preservation and autonomy.

Emotional Detachment

The harsh treatment and abuse have led Selenaia to detach emotionally from her surroundings. She struggles to express or recognize her own emotions, creating a barrier that shields her from the pain but also isolates her from potential sources of comfort.

Physical Weakness

The prolonged abuse has taken a toll on Selenaia's physical well-being. She lacks the strength she once had, making her vulnerable and dependent on others for even basic tasks. This physical weakness adds another layer to her overall vulnerability.

Haunted by Fear

Selenaia is haunted by a pervasive fear that lingers in every aspect of her existence. Fear dominates her decisions, interactions, and thoughts, creating a constant state of anxiety and trepidation.

Silenced Voice

The trauma has silenced Selenaia's voice, both metaphorically and, at times, literally. She hesitates to speak up for herself or express her needs, perpetuating her silent suffering.


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

The statblocks of your class features

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for race/species of the character.


ability score increase: Two ability scores of your choice increase by 1
age: Baby/Toddler: 0-11, Child: 12-29, Teen: 30-45, Young Adult: 46-67, Adult: 68-157, Elder: 158+, Average Lifespan: 225 years
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
race features:

Jack of All Trades

You can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.



You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.



You can choose one feat.

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

Statblocks for your spells.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

Created by


Statblock Type

Character Sheet (latest)
