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Lonely Mahkra

Descriptions: A large cat-like creature with automatous parts.

Move Tactics: Hunt, Kill, Feast On Memories

Tier: 2

Type: Solo

Diffuclty: 15

Attack Modifier: +2

Claws: Melee 2d6+4

Major 15 Severe 28

HP: 4

Stress: 3

Experience: Tracking Lens +3 Silent Hunter +1


Merithal Armor - Passive: The mahkra is resistant to physical damage.

See the Unseen - Passive: Without having to make an action roll, the mahkra can tell illusions are fake and see the invisible. It has advantage on rolls to uncover the hidden.

Bite of Memory - Action: Make an attack agaisnt a target in melee range. On a success, spend 1 Fear to deal 2d8+10 magical damage and make them Vunerable until they mark a stress.

Secondary Program - Action Mark a stress to activate the mahkra even if they have alredy activated this move.

Soft Palate: The top of the mahkra's mouth is not protected, but it is harder to hit. The difficulty increases by 3 in order to hit the top of the mouth. It is not resistant to physical damage if the mahkra gets hit there. Once it gets hit there, its bite of memory attack is reduced by 1 and the reduction stacks.

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Generic, Text
