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Wondrous Item

Uncommon Requires attunement, but does not count towards attunement limit Requires Attunement


The Whisperstone is a smooth, small stone with intricate runes etched into its surface. Each Whisperstone must be attuned to another Whisperstone to enable communication between them. This process binds the stones together, allowing only the attuned stones to communicate with each other. To use the Whisperstone, it must be held in the hand or placed in the ear. Once activated, the holder can communicate telepathically with the holder of the paired Whisperstone, no matter the distance, as long as they are on the same plane of existence. The telepathic communication is silent and private, transmitting only words between the two attuned holders.

Telepathic Communication. While holding or placing the Whisperstone in your ear, you can communicate telepathically with the holders of all the other Whisperstones it is attuned to, as long as they are on the same plane of existence.

Cost: 250g
Weight: 0.25 lbs

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