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Heward's Modified Handy Spice Pouch

Wondrous Item


Magical, spices

This belt pouch appears empty and has 10 charges. While holding the pouch, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges, speak the name of any nonmagical food seasoning (such as salt, pepper, saffron, or cilantro), and remove a pinch of the desired seasoning from the pouch. A pinch is enough to season a single meal. The pouch regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn.

This pouch has been modified to also contain Dust of Deliciousness.

Dust of Deliciousness: This reddish brown dust can be sprinkled over any edible substance to greatly improve the flavor. The dust also dulls the eater's senses: anyone eating food treated with this dust has disadvantage on Wisdom ability checks and Wisdom saving throws for 1 hour.

Cost: 150g
Weight: 5 lbs

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