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Dwemer Crafter

The Dwemer were well known for their artisanship and the worth of their handiworks, and you have been trained in that ancient tradition. For years you labored over books and manuscripts, often venturing into the depths of dangerous Dwemer ruins in order to gain the fine skills you possess today. As a result you have learned the lost tongue of the dwemer, and can craft dwemer metals in a fashion not seen since their disappearence.

Skill Proficiencies History, Insight
Tool Proficiencies One type of artisan's tools
Languages Dwemer
Equipment A set of artisan's tools with which you are proficient, a maker's mark chisel used to mark your handiwork with the symbol of the clan of dwarves you learned your skill from, a set of traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 5gp and a gem worth 10gp


Dwemer Smithing If you are proficent in smithing, you can craft superior weapons and armour using dwemer ingots. You can also use dwemer ingots in unique jewlery if you are proficent with jewler's tools, stamped with your maker's mark to increase thier value.   Invited Guest Using your knowledge of the Dwemer language and customs, you can attempt rudimentary communication with Dwemer constructs. If you have not already damaged them, you can attempt to persuade them that you are an invited guest and not to attack you. The roll needed for a sucsess is determined by the DM and will become increasingly difficult further into the depths of any Dwemer ruin. A sucsessful roll will not prevent Dwemer constructs from attacking you if you attack them or are seen to be doing anything unlawful in thier eyes.

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