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Faction Agent

Many organizations active in the North and across the face of Tamriel aren't bound by strictures of geography. These factions pursue their agendas without regard for political boundaries, and their members operate anywhere the organization deems necessary. These groups employ listeners, rumormongers, smugglers, sellswords, cache-holders (people who guard caches of wealth or magic for use by the faction's operatives), haven keepers, and message drop minders, to name a few. At the core of every faction are those who don't merely fulfill a small function for that organization, but who serve as its hands, head, and heart. As a prelude to your adventuring career (and in preparation for it), you served as an agent of a particular faction in Tamriel. You might have operated openly or secretly, depending on the faction and its goals, as well as how those goals mesh with your own. Becoming an adventurer doesn't necessarily require you to relinquish membership in your faction (though you can choose to do so), and it might enhance your status in the faction.

Skill Proficiencies Insight and one Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma skill of your choice, as appropriate to your faction
Languages Two of your choice
Equipment The badge or emblem of your faction, a copy of a seminal faction text (or a code-book for a covert faction), a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 15gp


Factions in Skyrim The persistent unrest and wildness of Skyrim makes is likely directly responsible for the proliferation of secret societies and conspiracies in those lands. If your background is as an agent for one of the main factions active in Skyrim, here are some possibilities.   The Empire The much diminished Third Empire under the Mede dynasty, the empire operates in Skyrim primarily through deployments of the Legion. The Legion works in the open protecting what remains of the unity of Tamriel from succesionist movements such as the Stormcloaks and the Forsworn. The Empire does also have operatives of the Penitus Oculatus in Skyrim however, who work in the shadows to combat such threats to imperial unity, as well as the renewed threat of the Dark Brotherhood. With the majority of Skyrim back under imperial control, while nominally bound to the rules of imperial bureaucracy, the voice of the Penitus Oculatus is the voice of the Emperor, law itself.   The Thalmor The Thalmor is the governing council of the Third Aldmeri Dominion, the union of Valenwood, the Summerset Isles, and the client states of Elsweyr. To outsiders the members of the Thalmor are "elven supremacists" who seek to end the Empire and eradicate the worship of Talos as it goes against their own beliefs. They have a long-standing presence in Skyrim where they work often behind the scenes to enforce the ban on Talos worship outlined in the White-Gold concordant. Thalmor agents are often proficient in Investigation, enabling them to be adept at snooping and spying and they can coerce the cooperation of local authorites loyal to the Empire to aid them.   The Thieves Guild As criminal as the name suggests, dedicated entirely to thier own enrichment through organised crime, although for untold years, local authorities in places throughout Tamriel have tolerated the existence of the guild for its role as "crime regulator", as it does not tolerate competition or egregious conduct from its members such as wanton murder. The Thieves Guild operates accross Tamriel, though each provincal chapter operates entirely independently with little to no communication between them, with the Skyrim Guild operating out of Riften. Usually proficient in Deception or Intimidation, they have a network of corrupt or coerced merchants, government officals and law enforcement to aid them.   The Dark Brotherhood A guild of assassins shrouded in shadow and mystery which has been active all over Tamriel. They were much diminished since the beginning of the fourth era, with the organisation nearly wiped out by the Penitus Oculatus. This was before they reached renewed infamy and resurrgence though, with the assassination of Emperor Titus Mede II. This single act brought the organisation back from the brink of obscurity, with two sanctuaries known to operate out of Skyrim alone. The oranisation still lacks unity though, with the sanctuaries being at odds and sworn eniemies to one another. Whenever an individual with legal authority takes an interest in their dealings, the Brotherhood relies upon a combination of bribery, blackmail, coercion, and murder to keep their activities hidden.   The Silver Hand Dedicated to the extermination of werewolves, the silver hands are outlaws who hide in the shadows due to thier ongoing rivalry with the Companions who decimated thier organisation after an attack on Jorrvaskr. Thier methods are extreme and often lead them far outside the confines of the law, this combined with the influence of the Companions who label them common bandits, has led the organisation to become outlawed in Skyrim. Those who serve the faction are masters of survival and living off the land. They are often proficient in Nature, and can seek assistance from woodsmen, hunters, rangers, barbarian tribes, druid circles, and priests who share thier ideals.   The Stormcloaks Loyalists of the much revered and reviled figure of Ulfric Stormcloak, the self-proclaimed high-king of Skyrim and suscessionist from the Empire. The Stormcloaks are famed for thier once open civil-war against the Empire. Where they captured and held numerous holds in open rebellion. Much diminished from this, now Stormcloaks usually operate in the shadows, continueing the fight in a guerilla war against the Legion and the Thalmor. Pursed by agents of the Penitus Oculatus, they recieve aid from the many families, officals, priests and law-enforcement who still secretly remain loyal to the cause or share a mutual worship of the forbidden god Talos.  

Safe Haven As a faction agent, you have access to a secret network of supporters and operatives who can provide assistance on your adventures. You know a set of secret signs and passwords you can use to identify such operatives, who can provide you with access to a hidden safe house, free room and board, or assistance in finding information. These agents never risk their lives for you or risk revealing their true identities.

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