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Caravan Specialist

You are used to life on the road. You pride yourself at having traveled every major tradeway in the Skyrim region, including the best back roads and shortcuts. When traveling these roads, you know where the best inns, campsites, and water sources are located, as well as potential locations of danger such as ambush. Having worked the roads as long as you have, you have made many acquaintances and find it easy to pick up information and rumors floating from town to town. You are skilled with beasts of burden and handling and repairing wagons of all kinds.

Skill Proficiencies Animal Handling, Survival
Tool Proficiencies Mounts
Languages One of your choice
Equipment A whip, a tent, a regional map, a set of traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 10gp


Wagonmaster You are used to being in charge of the operation and your reputation for reliability has you on a short list when the job is critical. Experience has taught you to rely on your gut. Others recognize this and look to you for direction when a situation gets serious. You are able to identify the most defensible locations for camping. If you are part of a caravan outfit, you are able to attract two additional workers who are loyal to you based on your reputation. You have an excellent memory for maps and geography and can always determine your cardinal directions while traveling.

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