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Vampire Lord

8th level, Vampiric Bloodline (subclass)

Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you may assume your true form, that of a vampire lord granted to you by your vampiric ancestry or pact for 10 minutes. Your skin turns ashen grey, your fangs, limbs and ears elongate into the gruesome visage of a bat, vestigial wings protrude from your back as you rise from the ground wreathed in dark red swirls of blood magic, exposing your true vampric nature to all observers. Your armour and equipment melds into you while in this form, your AC becoming 13 + your Dexterity modifier, other bonuses such as Unarmoured Defence can still be applied. While in this form, you cannot use traditional weapons or armour unless they have been specially designed to accomodate this form, you also gain the following benefits:

  • Vampiric Exultation. You have the Levitate spell at no cost, casted with yourself as the target for the entire duration. However if you have the Bats Wings feature active, the limit of 20 feet of movement speed imposed by levitate is instead added to your flying speed.
  • Bats Claws. You have retractable claws which can be used as a weapon. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 slashing damage and count as having the light and finesse properties. Additionally, your unarmed strikes always gain a +1 bonus to their damage rolls.
  • Elongated Fangs. Piercing damage from your Vampires Bite attack is rolled on the d8 instead of the d4 for the duration.
  • Chill of the Grave. You have resistance to frost damage and necrotic damage for the duration.
  • Vampiric Grip. You learn the spell Telekinesis, which for the duration, you can cast by using an action and expending 4 sorcery points instead of a spell slot if you choose.
  • Drain Life. The duration of your vampire lord transformation can be extended by feeding, so long as feeding also results in the death of a creature, whether by magic or bite, your vampire lord transformation is extended a further 10 minutes.


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