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Summoner Servant: Alter Ego

Alter Ego servants are unique in that they are physical personification of emotions, beliefs, concepts, or wishes. They may take the form of a heroic spirit/legendary figure, but said person is either partially or wholly controled via the personification. In a general sense, an Alter Ego may look like a particular individual, but their personality is different enough for them to be considered a different entity altogether.   This is an Extra Class. In order to become an Alter Ego, your Charisma or Wisdom score must be at least a 14 by level 3.
hit dice: D8
hit points at 1st level:
hit points at higher levels:
armor proficiencies: Light and Medium Armors
weapon proficiencies: Simple Weapons
tools: One tool of your choice
saving throws: Wisdom and Charisma
skills: Deception and 3 skills of your choice, usually the skills that pertain to your character
starting equipment:
class features:

Personified Soul

When you choose to become an Alter Ego at level 3, you rescind your previous servant class identity. You gain new proficiencies and lose the proficiencies of your previous class, effectively making a new character. You do, however, keep the HP you previously had until now.  

Facets of Emotion

Also at 3rd level, you select your facet. These facets represent the type of person you are, or more specifically, are influenced by.
  • Facet of the Warrior: You gain proficiency with martial weapons. Instead of using strength or dexterity, you can instead use Charisma for attack and damage rolls.
  • Facet of the Mage: You gain full spellcasting and utilize the Sorcerer's spell list and progression. Charisma is your spellcasting stat.
Whenever you level up, you can change your facet.

Visage of Ego

Finally at 3rd level, you gain the ability to summon a manifestation of your emotion/virtue. As a bonus action, you summon your ego's visage within 30ft in a space you can see. The visage resembles you, but is undetailed, effectively a shadow of yourself. It has 1/2 your max HP, shares your AC, and your initiative in combat. Your visage can do essentially anything you can do, as it draws power from you (ie, when your visage casts a spell, you still lose a spell slot). Your visage exists for one minute or until you drop unconscious, die, or desummon it with a BA. You can summon your visage a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all uses reset after a long rest.

Archetype of Self

At 5th level, you gain an archetype to further the power of your ego. Select one of the following:
  • Manifest Crusader: You gain Extra Attack and your weapon attacks deal magic damage for the sake of overcoming resistences and immunities.
  • Manifest Sage: You gain sorcery points equal to your level, as well as 3 metamagic abilities. Your regain all points after a long rest.

Defining Soul

At level 7, your ego becomes even more defining then ever. See the following choices and choose one. Your initial Facet of Emotion may result in different effects.
  • Cruelty (Warrior): Once per short rest, whenever you land an attack, you can automatically deal critical damage and force a constitution save to avoid getting stunned until the end of their next turn (DC=8+PB+Cha Mod).
  • Cruelty (Mage): Once per short rest, you can use a reaction force a creature to take a -5 penalty whenever they roll a save against a spell.
  • Defiance: You gain Magic Resistence.
  • Passion (Warrior): Once per short rest, you can give you and up to 5 other creatures within 60ft of you THP equal to your Charisma modifier + your level
  • Passion (Mage): You add all the spells from the Life Doman cleric into your list (continues in later levels). These don't count against the max amount of spells you can have.
  • Sacrifice: As an action, you can sacrifice 1/2 (round down) your current HP into another creature within 30ft of you. You must have at least 10 HP to use this ability. The affected creature also gains advantage on their next attack roll, save, or ability check.
  • Reverence: Once per short rest, you can force all select creatures within 30ft of you that can see or hear you to make a wisdom save (DC=8+PB+Cha Mod). On a fail, they are charmed by you and drop to their knee, effectively applying Command: Grovel on them. Creatures remain charmed to you until they take damage or after a minute passes.
  • Zeal (Warrior): Once per short rest, you empower yourself with a zealot's powers. For the next minute, once per turn, your weapon can deal an extra 3D6 fire or radiant damage.
  • Zeal (Mage): Once per short rest, you channel zealous energy into your spellcasting. For the next minute, all your spells can deal radiant damage if you so choose. When you hit a creature, you can force them to make a wisdom save, or become frightened of you until the end of their next turn.
subclass options:
Mage Facet Level123456789

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Statblock Type

Class Features
