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Hull-Breaker Crab - Animal 3

Wyrielian Hull-Breaker by Keon Croucher using Midjourney
A general descriptor and name that can represent a plethora of crabs in reality, these are the monstrously large crustaceans, the ones that haunt coastal oceanic waters, hidden coves, bays and underwater cave systems. They come in a range of colorations and varieties, however they are all dangerous and also highly valued for their chitin and their meats. Crab fishing takes on a whole new meaning when you are jigging for Hull-breakers.
Perception 1d20+9
Languages N/A
Skills Athletics: 1d20+10,[b Intimidate: 1d20+3 , Stealth: 1d20+9 , Survival: 1d20+9

STR +5 , DEX +2 , CON +3 , INT -4 , WIS +2 , CHA -2

AC 23
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+10 , Ref 1d20+7 , Will 1d20+2 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+10 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20-4 , Ego Save: (Charisma): 1d20-2
HP51 4d12+23 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses Weak (5) Bludgeoning - Resistances Resist (5) Fire, Piercing, Slashing
Speed 30 feet
Melee Melee, Claw: 1d20+12 to hit. 2d6+5 slashing damage and Grab.
Special Abilities Armored Hide (5): +5 Natural Armor to Armor Score   Amphibious: Like most crustaceans, Hullbreaker Crabs have gills and can breath underwater, however unlike many crabs, they also have a unique adaptation within their bodies that allow them to breath through small venting systems in their carapace when they are out of water, making them truly capable of both on land and in the water.   Aquatic Camouflage: +5 to Stealth checks made in the water.   Bulky: +1/2 Constitution Modifier as Deflection Bonus to AC. Already in the AC calculation.   Environmental Familiarity (Aquatic, Coastal): This creature is naturally very comfortable and evolved to be in the water or amongst coastal sandbars and the like, and suffers no negative effects for such terrain, no movement punishments.   Gripping Claws: When it hits with a claw attack it can immediately sacrifice its reaction to attempt to initiate a Grab upon the target, that ignores any stacking Multiple Attack Penalty. Targets of small size or smaller are automatically grabbed, no check required.   Capsizing Bash: The Hullbreaker gets its name very specifically for its ability to cause massive damage and sink a ship. It can spend two actions to deal double claw damage as bludgeoning damage, using the claw to deliever a smashing blow to the hull of any ship or vessel.   Defensive Pinch: So long as the Hullbreaker has an empty claw, the first creature to move into melee range of it that it identifies as a threat it will make a claw attack against, which will initiate grab if possible.   Vicegrip: Any creature the crab has grabbed successfully, 1/round it can spend 1 action to automatically deal 1d8+5 slashing damage to it and maintain the grab.

Adaptation/Alteration Options

  Huge Size: Hull-breaker Crabs on average are on the larger side, but they get their name because they can grow to truly behemoth like proportions. Increase the their Strength and Constitution modifiers by 1 each, as well as their Armored Hide trait. Increase their claw damage to 2d10+6 ] Slashing damage. Increase their vicegrip damage to 1d12+6 . Increase their hit points from 51 to 73. Targets of medium size or smaller are now automatically grabbed. Increase the Creature (and Encounter) level from 3 to 4.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
