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Fiochras - Celestial 3

Ever-curious Fiochras by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
This being radiates joy and curiosity, glowing softly of yellow and brown of field and road, with eyes of starlight, twinkling with an almost child-like wonder. It is ever a traveler, and thusly its form is not fully static, seeming somewhat malleable to its will, for an interesting reason. As a Celestial Being from Atlas, the Kingdom of Exploration, this malleable nature is quite normal, allowing those whom call this Celestial paradise home to simply adjust their own ability to move forward, to travel on, to suit their needs. However given that terrestrial terrains are the most common on the Material Realm, they oft default to a bipedal form, generally with a second set of limbs that end in simple hands, not unlike human or ape hands in structure.
Perception 1d20+9
Languages Celetric (Celestial), Valarian (Common)
Skills Athletics: 1d20+6 , Acrobatics: 1d20+6 , Bribery: 1d20+9 , Craft (Cartography): 1d20+8 , Intuition: 1d20+7 , Religion: 1d20+8 , Nature: 1d20+6 , Navigation (All): 1d20+10 , Persuade: 1d20+7 , Perform (Oratory): 1d20+9 , Stealth: 1d20+6 , Survival: 1d20+7

STR +2 , DEX +2 , CON +3 , INT +2 , WIS +3 , CHA +5

AC 16
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+7 , Ref 1d20+2 , Will 1d20+7 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+2 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+2 , Ego Save: 1d20+9
HP24 3d8+11 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (4) Poison, Radiant, and Psychic damage. +4 to saves against Confused, Blind or Toxic (X) conditions.
Speed 40 feet
Ranged Tale-Teller's Babble: 60 foot range. 1d20+9 to hit. 1d6+5 psychic damage, and in addition if the Fiochras still has at least 1 point in its Divinity Pool, it deals 1d6 radiant damage as well.
Special Abilities Divine Entity (Feyheart): A Fiochras is a divine entity of Atlas, the paradise kingdom of the Explorers and Story-Tellers. As such, whenever engaging in any sort of social skill roll with a devout follower of Feyheart (a Priest or Templar), this creature adds a roll of its Aura of Atlas die to the skill test roll.   Divine Pool (5/5): Like any divine entity, a Fiochras has a unique resource pool simply known as Divinity. This pool seems to be a transference of energy directly from Atlas into this creature. When on the Material Realm they cannot recover this pool naturally, however should a devout individual following Feyheart be willing to offer prayer and effort with them over a Rest, that individual may spend 2 points of Fervor or Faith, whichever they have, to insure that the Fiochras recovers their Divine Pool. Otherwise on the Material Realm, the only way they can recover it is by being dismissed, released and returned back to Atlas. This pool is spent to activate a few of their abilities, call upon divine powers, and has some passive effects upon them as well.   Aura of Atlas: A Fiochras, so long as it has 1 point in its Divine Pool, has a unique presence, an almost aura, about it that seems to benefit creatures it sees as allies. Any creature within 30 feet of it gains a + 1d6 bonus to all Navigation skill checks, Lore (Local) and Lore (Geography) skill checks.   Traveler's Shifting: Costs 1 Divine Pool Point: A Fiochras may alter their physical form, shifting it to change from merely legs, having the legs and feet grow gripping toes and pads like a gecko, along with its hands, for example. Perhaps simply having the legs shrink away to nothing and spouting a fish like tail, the hands gaining webbing between the fingers. Or the legs receding and giving way to wings which sprout forth above the arms, showing a soft soil brown and pale yellow plummage. Maybe the hands simply shift, the fingers becoming mole like claws, shovel shaped and suited for task. Regardless of the aethestic, the Fiochras' movement speed changes from a normal walking speed to either a climb, swim, burrow or fly speed.   Traveller's Callings: A Fiochras is an entity of Atlas and as such, can manifest powers that most would recognize as divine gifts with some regularity. They can spend 1 point of their Divinity Pool, and the required amount of time or actions to call upon any Traveler's Prayer at Tier I. They need not roll a skill check like mortals, though they are also incapable of empowering (reaching higher Tiers) of these powers. Their spell Save DC=18   Conditional Immunities: Fiochras are immune to any sort of restraint, magickal or otherwise. They simply cannot be chained, entrapped or otherwise pinned or restrained, they simply seem impossibly capable of escaping such situations in an eyeblink. They are also immune to Stunned, Slow, or the Prone conditions.   Limbs Well Traveled: So long as a Fiochras has 1 point in its Divine Pool, it is incapable of suffering any reductions or penalties to movement due to natural terrain.   A Sudden Detour: Costs 1 Divine Pool Point: This is a special reaction activated in response to being threatened by a creature (either by an attempted attack or within the target area of a spell or prayer or some other ability with hostile intention), the Fiochras takes a sudden step to the side, and fades from sight, reappearing in an unoccupied area within 50 feet of its previous position. The direction is random (so 1d8 if using a normal grid, or 1d6 for a hex grid) however the landing point is reasonably the Fiochras' choice, and they will never land somewhere that puts them back under direct and obvious threat.   Tall Tale: Costs 1 Divine Pool Point A Fiochras generally does not seek a direct conflict with any creature, and most certainly does not seek melee combat in any way. However this does not mean they are utterly defenseless. Their words have great power, the power of a story-teller, as befits the diety they serve and the realm they come from. The Fiochras weaves a tale rapidly, but concisely, seeming to break the very logic of the spoken word. Any creature hostile to the Fiochras within 50 feet of it must roll an Ego Save against DC 18. If a creature critically fails, they become afflicted with Fearful (2) and takes 4d6 psychic damage. If a creature fails, they are afflicted with Fearful (1) and suffer 2d6 psychic damage. If a creature succeeds, they take 1d6 psychic damage but suffer no conditions. If a creature critically succeeds, they suffer no ill effects. The cause of the fear is the Fiochras.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
