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Obla'nost - Elemental 3

Obla'nost by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
A flitting, happy, friendly entity, moving and flitting about seeming made of clouds with the very occasional flicker and crackle of electricity within. Often presenting in the shape on the Material Realm, of a small song bird or other such small flighty creature. Playful little entities that seem to exude energy, and visibly upon the Aether thrum with Aeir, the Opal manna of Air.
Perception 1d20+6
Languages Auran, Valarian (Common)
Skills Investigate: 1d20+9 , Stealth: 1d20+7

STR +0 , DEX +3 , CON -1 , INT +3 , WIS +0 , CHA +1

Items 1x Tier I Opal Manna Gem
AC 20
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+3 , Ref 1d20+9 , Will 1d20+4 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+7 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+5
HP21 3d12 - Immunities Obla'nosts, like all Air Elementals, are immune to and actually healed by Lightning damage. They are also immune to Stunning, Grappled, Entangled and Confusion conditions. They also cannot be affected by any Aeromancy Spell - Weaknesses Weakness (5) Thunder damage - Resistances Resist (5) Cold damage and all weapon damage from non-magick weapons
Speed 50 feet
Melee Melee, Slam: 1d20+6 to hit. 1d4 lightning damage. So long as it has 1 point in its Air Pool, it adds 1d6 lightning damage to this attack as well.
Special Abilities Flight: Obla'nosts, as with any Air Elemental creature, has a fly speed equal to their movement speed naturally.   Extraplanar Defense: Obla'nosts as with any extraplanar entity is not entirely subject to the rules of Material Realms and seems to have a sort of protective force around them. They have +2 to their Armor Score.   Wind Die: As with all elementals it has a die size tied to its elemental force that is used in conjunction with many of its abilities. For a Obla'nost this is 1d6 .   Air Pool (6/6): Along with any number of abilities based on size and strength of the elemental entity in question, all elementals can spend these points to cast spell-forms of the appropriate school of magick. An Obla'nost may cast any spell-form of the Aeromancy of Tier 1 so long as its Casting DC=20 or less. It must spend the actions to cast the spell as required of course, but has no risk of miscast as it is a being of pure manna and air. An Obla'nost's Spell DC is 18. Their Air Pool only naturally recovers if they return to the Endless Skies of the Primordial Realms (their home plane).   Energetic Aura: A feature of any elemental of Aeir, this ability remains active so long as they have 1 point in their Air Pool. Obla'nosts only have small auras, exuding only 10 feet from their person. The crackling electrical energy exuding from this creature benefits itself and anyone within range of it the elemental sees as an ally so long as the aura is active. Such creatures add a roll of the Obla'nost's Wind Die; 1d6 , to their initiative rolls and any Logic Saves they have to roll.   Unstable: If its Air Pool is empty, at zero, an Obla'nost becomes Unstable. This means every time it would take damage, it must roll a DC 20 Will Save. If it critically fails it is immediately banished from the material reality, unable to be re-summoned for the next century. If it merely fails, it is forcibly dismissed back to its plane of existence, but not banished. If it succeeds, no consequences. If it critically succeeds, it reduces the damage of the attack or spell by a roll of its Wind Die, and regains points equal to that roll in its Air Pool.   Cloud Step: The Obla'nost can 1/round activate this ability when being targeted by any hostile action, fading away and reappearing somewhere within 15 feet.   Aether Sensitivity: An elemental of any kind, and the Obla'nost is no exception, does not merely have Aether Sight. They are entirely in tune to the Aether, their every sense in tempo and lockstep with it. They can sense any spell-weaving, any manipulation of the forces of manna of any kind from up to 1 mile away, even if they can't see it. They can hear it, feel it across their physical essence, smell it and in some cases taste it. This is particularly true for Aeir, the Opal manna of Air. In those cases they can even pinpoint exact direction and distance so sensitive to this they are.   Crackling Discharge: Costs 1 Air Pool Point. An Obla'nost can let out a sudden discharge that will effect anyone within its Energizing Aura range. All targets within that range must roll a DC 18 Reflex Save. This deals 2d6 Lightning damage on a failure. A success means the target takes half damage. A critical failure also inflicts Stunned (1) on the target, a critical success takes half damage but gain the Hasten (1) condition.

Advancement/Alteration Options

  Obla'nosts, like all elementals, are in a fashion sapient and intelligent, and can be conversed with. They are the least of elementals however, the simplest and lowest ranking, and as such, they have no bonus to any social skill rolls or most other skills other than what is listed here. They also would never have the Prayer skill as these primordial beings do not worship any divine figures of any kind. They also would never have any profession levels of any kind. Elementals advance simply by growing their elemental pool over time, eventually changing, becoming stronger and advancing into the next tier of elemental. However the presentation of the creature upon this reference sheet is meant to depict the average Obla'nost. So feel free to flex these numbers and abilities to present a Obla'nost close to growth and ascension to the next tier within the elemental hierarchy, or alternatively, to depict a weaker, younger such Obla'nost whom is perhaps very young, very new, and not yet as strong as most of its kin in within the Endless Skies.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
