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Strangler Vine Patch - Plant 2

by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
Thick choking vines woven all throughout the soil, loam and undergrowth within the patch around you. They were so still, so nonobtrusive at first that it seemed not out of place. But now you realize in truth what they are. In truth what you are looking at. A closer visual inspection reveals the danger, perhaps to late. The hidden truth beneath the soil, the deer, boar, elk, goat, or some other large animal simply covered in soil, its body choked and swaddled by vines, with one, a taproot of sorts, down the throat of the creature that is being sucked dry of all fluid, and slowly rotted and dissolved from within.
Perception 1d20+3
Languages N/A
Skills Stealth: 1d20+9

STR +3 , DEX -2 , CON +5 , INT -5 , WIS +0 , CHA -2

AC 15
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+10 , Ref 1d20-2 , Will 1d20 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+6 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20-5 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20-2
HP30 2d10+20 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses Weakness (2) Fire - Resistances Resist (2) Cold and Bludgeoning
Speed Immobile
Melee Melee, Vine Lash: 10 feet reach. 1d20+8 to hit. 1d8+3 bludgeoning and piercing damage. On hit, DC 16 Fortitude Save against thorns. If critically failed, suffer Slow (2) condition. If failed, suffer Slow (1) Condition. If passed suffer no ill effects.
Special Abilities Armored Hide (4): Strangler Vines are notorious thick and tough. A patch of Strangler Vines has a natural armor boost of +4 to their Armor Class.   Cold Adaptation: Strangler Vines are well adapted to their sub-arctic environment. They count the difficulties that would be suffered from weather extremes as one step less for cold weather.   Root System: his creature can, as its reaction, make a Vine Lash attack against any creature that tries to leave its reach that it can sense doing so via its Tremorsense.   Tremorsense: 20 feet of Tremorsense. +2 Perception within that 20 feet.   Sensory Immunity: As a plant creature it has a sensory immunity to any effect, ability or spell that requires it to be able to see, or to hear anything such as verbal orders or commands.   Mental Immunity: These creatures cannot be charmed, confused, frightened, or compelled in any way.   Ensnarement: If someone is foolish enough to enter the spaces covered by a Strangler Vine Patch, it gets an automatic Vine Lash attack and attempts to grab that creature, which if the creature is Medium size or smaller, this grab automatically succeeds. Escape DC is 16. If a target is grabbed by the Strangler Vine Patch, every round it is trapped, it takes Vine Lash damage at the beginning of the Strangler Vine Patch's turn, as the vine slowly begins to attempt to crush the life from the creature.   Natural Camouflage: Strangler Vine Patches are by the nature of their environment and coloration, hard to see. They will often grow and mature around old trees, perhaps choking off a root system, and eventually that dead tree falls, rots and adds to the cover, the vines perhaps confused for the old stump's root system. It has +6 to Stealth rolls.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
