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Shambler - Plant 4

Shambler by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
A shuddering mass of writhing, spiny, oozing, putrid vegetation that seems well into the process of decaying, reeking of putrifaction and rot. Yet it shudders and shambles, as if alive, as if striding, though no footprints it leaves, merely a mess of drag marks as if the vines and brush being dragged across the ground.
Perception 1d20+9
Languages N/A
Skills Stealth: 1d20+5

STR +5 , DEX +0 , CON +4 , INT -5 , WIS +2 , CHA -5

AC 24
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+11 , Ref 1d20 , Will 1d20+7 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+10 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20-5 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20-5
HP48 4d12+22 - Immunities Poison, Necrotic, Psychic, and Cold - Weaknesses Weakness (4) Fire and Radiant - Resistances Resist (4) Thunder and Lightning, as well as non magick weapons
Speed 20 feet
Melee Melee, Slam: 1d20+12 to hit. 1d10+5 bludgeoning damage.
Special Abilities Armored Hide (9): Shamblers are nothing but a writhing mass of vegetation and are imbued with an almost skeletal structure like toughness to their exterior by the same fell energy that brings these undying plant masses to wandering unlife. They have a +9 Natural Armor boost to their Armor Class.   Mental Immunity: These creatures cannot be Charmed, Confused, Frightened, or Compelled in any way.   Condition Immunities: Shamblers cannot suffer from the Exhausted, Toxic, Bleeding or Stunned conditions.   Necrotic Spore Burst: This is a reaction to being struck by any sort of attack or assault. It is not a chosen thing, it just happens. 10 foot burst around the creature, every creature that needs to breathe is effected. DC 20 Fortitude Save. If critically failed, take double damage and become Frightened (3). If failed, take 2d6 Necrotic Damage and become Frightened (2). If successful, take half damage and become Frightened (1). If critically successful, merely suffer half damage but no conditions. Spore cloud lasts 3 rounds before dissipating and any creature that ends its turn within the cloud is subject to its effect.   Natural Camouflage: Shambler's look as if they are a part of the environment, which is a large part of the danger they present. They gain +6 to their Stealth rolls in swamps and marshes.   Putrified Trail: Wherever a Shambler moves, for a time it leaves a sticky, oozing trail of semi liquified rotting plant matter and disgusting fluids. This trail is so pungent, and the slime and liquid so sticky and thick that for a small time, as it settles and is absorbed into the surface traveled over, it creates difficulties for any creature moving through it. For 1 round after leaving a space, any space a Shambler has touched requires a Fortitude Save of DC 13+1/number of spaces being traveled through. Should a creature critically fail, it stops in its tracks, unable to move forward and is considered restrained, as well as being afflicted by the Toxic (Persistent Poison Damage) (2) condition and taking 2d6 Poison and 2d6 Necrotic damage. If a creature merely fails, it makes it through, however is inflicted with the Toxic (1) condition and takes 2d6 Poison and 2d6 Necrotic damage. If a creature is successful it is afflicted with no condition and only takes 1d6 Poison and 1d6 Necrotic damage. If a creature is critically successful, they suffer no ill effect. This only lasts for a full round after the Shambler leaves or passes over an area.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
