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Scrimclaw - Saurus 3

Teeth of the Jungle by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
Dappled scales of pale yellow and leafy green, with hungry reptilian eyes, this bipedal predator marked by its it snub snouted appearance, strong legs and arms, and its sharp mind. Individually they are dangerous beasts, however they are pack hunters, oft roaming in groups of four or more. A vicious sickle like claw dominates each foot, this claw hinged and a specialized tool, notably more robust than any other of the creature's claws upon its feet or forearms. One would do worse than to compare them to wolves, a comparison well founded.
Perception 1d20+9
Languages N/A
Skills Athletics: 1d20+11 , Acrobatics: 1d20+12 , Navigation (Jungles): 1d20+11 , Stealth: 1d20+12 , Survival: 1d20+11

STR +5 , DEX +6 , CON +3 , INT -5 , WIS +3 , CHA -3

AC 22
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+7 , Ref 1d20+12 , Will 1d20+3 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+9 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20-5 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20-3
HP42 3d10+22 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances N/A
Speed 50 feet
Melee Melee, Bite: 1d20+9 to hit. 2d8+5 piercing damage   Melee, Sickle Claw: This special attack can only be used when activating Pounce and Hook, or if the scrimclaw has a target prone and pinned underneath it, or is grappling with a target. 1d20+10 to hit. 1d10+6 piercing damage. These claws count as Agile and Finesse weapons.
Special Abilities Armored Hide (2): Scrimclaws have scaled hides like most of the Saurus family, and their hide is very thick and protective. They gain a +2 to their Armor Score.   Darkvision: Much like the most terrifying and ferocious of hunting cats, scrimclaws have excellent night vision. Even in darkness, they can see clearly out to 60 feet.   Scent: 30 feet, +2 Perception Rolls.   Pack Tactics: Scrimclaws exhibit proper pack tactics, working together very well. They gain +2 to attack and damage rolls against any target that counts as engaged in melee with at least one ally, and furthermore attacking such targets also triggers their ambush die.   1d6 Ambush Die: This is a special boost to damage that the scrimclaw adds to attacks made against targets caught flat-footed, unawares, or uniquely to the scrimclaw, outnumbered.   Pounce and Hook: The scrimclaw may leap at a target within 30 feet of it, leaping upon the target, biting and trying to hook its vicious sickle like claws into the target. On larger prey, the goal is generally to get upon its flanks and back, tearing and ripping at these softer vulnerable areas. Against smaller foes, including people, the goal is simply to rend, tear and kill, bearing the target to the ground. The Scrimclaw makes a bite attack and a two sickle claw attacks against the creature. None of these attacks are subject to the Multiple Attack Penalty. Should the two claws hit, the target falls prone, pinned beneath the Scrimclaw if it is smaller than the dangerous reptilian creature. If it is larger than the scrimclaw, then they are merely grappled, the predator basically hooked into and gripping the larger body's flank or back, biting and tearing. So long as both sickle claw attacks hit the target, ambush damage is added to all three and all subsequent attacks against the target creature until it manages to escape the pin/grab.   Environmental Familiarity (Jungles): Like all Saurus, the Scrimclaw is only found upon the continent of Wyriel, specifically inland beyond the Sauri Mountain range, and are a dominante predator within the deeper jungles, where they don't need to compete with larger massive theropod predators such as Allosaurs. They are well adapted to this biome and terrain and so long as they stay on land, they suffer no effects upon their movement capability from such terrain.   Camouflage: A scrimclaw's color pattern blends right in brilliantly with the thick foilage of the jungles it calls home. Within jungle terrain, it has +4 to Stealth rolls.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
