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Protinel - Celestial 3

A being that seems of granite and steel, a creature that seems to levitate, its torso iron and steel, a simple heater shield shape, with a head of seemingly solid granite protruding from behind it, eyes of grey, a fracture in the stone seeming to move like a mouth. Two arms of stone extend from the sides of the shield, though within but a few inches the stone transitions to grey clouds crackling with lightning for nearly eighteen inches. This shape these creatures wear is quite indicative of their nature, being protective beings whom seek to defend and care for those weaker than themselves, and those they may count as friend or ally.
Perception 1d20+7
Languages Celetric (Celestial), Valarian (Common), Dwarven
Skills Athletics: 1d20+9 , Intimidate: 1d20+6 , Intuition: 1d20+7 , Religion: 1d20+6 , Survival: 1d20+7

STR +4 , DEX +3 , CON +5 , INT +1 , WIS +2 , CHA +1

AC 22
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+10 , Ref 1d20+3 , Will 1d20+7 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+9 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+1 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+6
HP34 3d8+21 - Immunities Thunder Damage - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (5) Piercing, Slashing, Cold, Radiant, Poison, and Lightning damage.
Speed 25 feet (is also a fly speed, the creature levitates)
Melee Melee, Slam Attack: 1d20+9 to hit. 1d8+4 bludgeoning damage and 1d6 thunder damage. Also deals 1d6 radiant damage if the Protinel has at least 1 point left in it's Divinity Pool
Ranged Ranged, Storm Javelin: Range is 75 feet. 1d20+9 to hit. 1d6+4 lightning damage. Also deals 1d6 radiant damage if the Protinel has at least 1 point left in it's Divinity Pool
Special Abilities Tough Hide (4): Being that they are pretty much literally a shield with a rock for a head, it should come as no shock that Protinel's have a notably tough exterior, having a +4 Natural Armor boost to their AC, which is reflected in this stat spread.   Divine Entity (Sir Kartheart): A Protinel is a divine entity of Mount Valor, the divine realm of Champions, Protectors, Guardians and valorous heroes and soldiers. As such, Protinel's are immune to the Frightened Condition.   Divine Pool (5/5): As with all Divine Entities, a Protinel has a resource pool at its disposal simply known as 'Divinity'. This pool is likely the manifestation of some small amount of the pure divine will of Sir Kartheart imparted via Mount Valor's very nature, unto the creature upon its summoning. When on the Material Realm they cannot recover this pool naturally, however should a devout individual following Sir Kartheart be willing to offer prayer and effort with them over a Rest, that individual may spend 2 points of Fervor or Faith, whichever they have, to insure that the Protinel recovers their Divine Pool. Otherwise on the Material Realm, the only way they can recover it is by being dismissed, released and returned back to Atlas. This pool is spent to activate a few of their abilities, call upon divine powers, and has some passive effects upon them as well.   Aura of Bravery: A Protinel, so long as it has at least 1 Divinity in its Pool, emits a unique aura of sorts, an energy that seems to benefit its chosen allies (but not itself). Any creature within 30 feet of the Protinel has a +3 Deflection Bonus to the AC, as well as having this bonus on Saving Throws against the Frightened or Charmed conditions.   Protection Protocol: Costs 1 Divine Pool point. This reaction must be activated in response to an allied creature within 20 feet becoming the target of a spell or attack. The Protinel fades from sight momentarily, only to reappear adjacent to the creature being attacked, in a position to take the hit instead, pushing the target of the assault five feet in a safe direction is required. The Protinel instead takes the damage, rolls any saves, suffers any effects of the spell, etc, instead of the original target.   War Chants: A Protinel is an entity of Mount Valor, and as such, can manifest powers most would say seem to be of a Divine Power type nature, with some regularity. They may spend 1 point of their Divine Pool, as well as a the appropriate time/actions, to call upon any War Chants at Tier I. They are incapable of failing this, not needing a Prayer Skill, however they are also incapable of empowering (calling upon the higher tier effects) these powers. Their spell save DC=18   Steadfast: Protinel's, in part due to levitating, in part due to their sheer bulk and physical presence and power, are incapable of being knocked prone or forcibly repositioned.   Rallying Steel: Costs 2 Divinity Pool Points. Clanging one of its rocky arms off its shield like body, this creature emboldens its allies, strengthening their resolve and commitment to the fight. All allied creatures within 30 feet have +2 to saves and to attack and damage rolls for the round.   Lightning Rod So long as the Protinel has 1 Divinity Point in its pool, any source of lightning damage that would strike anything within 10 feet of it is instead pulled to the Protinel.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
