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Topaz Wyvern - Draconid 9

Scales of dark loamy browns and soil blacks dominate the creature, guiding up its back to the ridge of hefty and thicker scales that follow its spine, which lighten up to an almost amber like hue, though as they run up its neck to the narrow crocodilian like snout, the top scales illuminate into a stronger topaz tone. Its eyes seem almost non-existent, small and sheltered by semi-translucent armored eyelids. Its jaws lined with a row of robust rock cracking teeth in a diamond like shape, behind which are two more rows of sharp and serrated teeth. Its six limbs, four for locomotion, two with claws that that can only compare to a dawi rock drill bit, able to tear, grind, and crack stone and move earth in large amounts. Rarely seen above ground, these creatures greatest tool in tunneling and burrowing is still their strange 'breath', as they are able to create a wave of sound, a thunderous directed force of a nearly kinetic nature that can break apart bedrock, or cause mass organ failure and paralysis is more organic and 'squishier' prey items.
Perception 1d20+16
Languages Draconic, Valarian (Common), Terran, at least two other common languages used by groups that live near its lair
Skills Athletics: 1d20+20 , Arcana: 1d20+13 , Bribery: 1d20+12 , Diplomacy: 1d20+12 , Investigate: 1d20+13 , Intuition: 1d20+16 , Intimidate: 1d20+14 , Navigation (Subterranean): 1d20+18 , Navigation (Terrestrial): 1d20+14 , Occult: 1d20+13 , Spell-Weaving (Geomancy): 1d20+15 , Survival: 1d20+14

STR +5 , DEX +4 , CON +6 , INT +2 , WIS +3 , CHA +1

Items Besides the obviously highly valuable Wyvern parts, which naturally are worth a lot of gold themselves to the right buyers, Wyverns are draconic of heritage, and the Topaz is no exception. If you were to find its lair, you would likely find some trinkets and objects worth your while. Topaz Wyverns have a distinct love for gems, metallic ores and precious stones. These sorts of treasures are what you are likely to find dominating its 'horde' such as it is, as well as objects such as jewelry or master craft arms or armors should the creature have had foolhardy adventurer's wander into its tunnels without willingness to pay an appropriate tithe, or with intent to make battle with it and not find victory. Topaz wyverns, like all of their kin, would have no want or reason to keep manna gems of a color they cannot utilize, though their fascination with precious stones means there might be one or two smaller ones amidst things like jade or malachite. They will absolutely have at least two or three topaz however. These sorts of manna gems are extremely valuable. Besides this you will likely find at least a handful of expensive mundane and minorly magickal objects, trinkets and trophies, as well as perhaps one or two objects of more notable (moderate) magickal power.
AC 30 (33 if Draconic Protection is active)
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+21 , Ref 1d20+17 , Will 1d20+16 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+18 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+13 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+12
HP115 9d12+61 - Immunities Deafened, Thunder Damage, Geomancy school of arcane/primal magicks - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (5) to all damage types
Speed 35 feet (also its burrow speed)
Melee Melee, Bite: 5 feet reach, Armor Penetration (3). 1d20+19 to hit. 2d12+5 piercing damage, DC 23 Fortitude Save. Critical Failure results in 2d6 Bleed and Stunned (1) being inflicted to the target. Regular failure sees 1d6 Bleed and Stunned (1) being inflicted. Success sees 1d3 Bleed being inflicted and critical success sees no additional effect besides initial damage.   Melee, Claw: 5 feet reach, Armor Penetration (3). 1d20+19 to hit. 2d10+5 piercing and slashing damage and 1d8 thunder damage.
Special Abilities Tremorsense: 200 feet   Tough Hide (3): Topaz Wyverns have the most robust and hefty scales of any of their kindred and this means they have a +3 Natural Armor Bonus to their AC, which is included in this stat spread already.   Draconic Heritage (3/3): This pool represents the creatures bloodline, and decides how many Topaz Spell-Forms it can just call on freely. Wyverns need no casting roll to manipulate their given type of manna, they merely just can, at least when casting the lowest tier of any spell-form. They would only roll a Spell-Weave if attempting to spend one point of their Heritage to upcast it to Tier II or 2 points to upcast it to Tier 3. These points have other uses as well. They recover only over a Regroup or a Rest.   Born of Earth: Topaz Wyverns are entirely immune to the effects of any Topaz magicks (Earth), as well as the Deafened condition and Thunder damage.   Breath Weapon: Topaz Wyverns are known for a unique sort of breath weapon. They are capable of generating a cry or call that rumbles through the air with such force and at the right frequency and pitch to crack stone or glass, burst ear-drums, and even rupture organs. This thunderous call is utilized sparingly, for it requires a great amount of energy and force. The burst from this is a 40 foot cone, but is unaffected by cover. it deals 6d8 thunder damage. Targets in the affected area must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude Save. If critically failed, they take full damage, and are afflicted with Stunned (2) and Deafened (2). If the save is a failed, they take full damage and are afflicted with Stunned (1) and Deafened (1). If the save is made successfully, the target takes half damage but still suffers Stunned (1) and Deafened (1). If the save is a critical success the target takes no damage and only suffers Deafened (1).   Topaz Magicks: Topaz wyverns, as any draconid, are capable spell-weavers due to the virtue of their draconic heritage. They know five Topaz Spell-Forms and can call upon them at Tier I without needing to roll a Spell-Weaving roll, so long as they have 1 point in their Draconic Heritage and so long as no outside factors are influencing how magick operates (a Scar upon Reality or a Dead Zone for example). The five spells presented in this template are by no means gospel and as always a GM should feel free to swap and alter them as needed to fit their narrative.   Sapience: Despite what some may think, these creatures are as sapient as they come. They are capable speakers in Valarian, Terran and Draconic and generally are at least fluent and capable in one or two languages that are common of the region they live in. They are not evil beasts and are natural entities that can be interacted with, reasoned with and talked too in most circumstances. However they are vulnerable to manna blight and the corruption of the Void, which can see this truth turned on its head to have them become more as stories of Tanes, drakes, wyverns, and dragon kind in general would present them to be.   Draconic Recovery: By activating this ability a Wyvern can recover 1d10+9 hit points and immediately sheds any condition that isn't a scaling condition sitting at (2) at least. This ability can only be utilized 1/day.   Awe-Inspiring Presence: When one first lays eyes on wyverns, or one would assume, a Tane, one cannot help but be awestruck. Any sapient being that lays eyes on this creature for the first time in a day must attempt a DC 23 Ego Save. If critically failed, they become Stunned (3). If they fail, they become Stunned (2). On a success they merely become Stunned (1). Only on a Critical Success do they overcome the awe and avoid any condition. This state only lasts 1 round/instance of the condition, it fades over time as the brain of the individual processes what they are seeing and catches up to well...reality.

Caster DC: 23


Detect Mineral (Tier I)

  Casting DC: 8, Duration: 1 hour, Range: 1 mile, Target: An earthbound mineral of your choice, such as iron, gold, silver, sandstone or some other such. Effect: To detect the bounty of the earth herself, to seek and find deposits of minerals of value. When you cast this spell-form, you pick a earth bound mineral of your choice, and over the duration you may take an action to focus yourself, and you will detect any earthbound presence within range. This detection will come with a distance, direction and a feeling of strength, some feeling or indicator to inform you roughly how large a deposit it may be. This could manifest, for example, as the coppery taste as if blood, if searching for copper.  

Sandblast (Tier I)

  Casting DC: 14, Duration: Instant, Range: 30 foot cone extending forth from your hands in a direction you choose. Target: All creatures within the cone. Effect: Cutting and grinding the energies of Domhan in the Aether into a coarse, grainy powder, you bring your foreclaws together, and fling them forth, manifesting the Topaz energies as a glittering blast of sand that rips, tears, and grinds at anyone caught in the area of effect. Anyone within the cone must attempt an Reflex Save. Should they fail they take 2d6 piercing damage and 1d6 thunder damage. In addition they are coated in glittery sand, and cannot get it off. This sand will be visible even if a creature is currently invisible or attempts to go invisible after the fact, it must be washed off. Those whom succeed the test take half damage, but are not coated in the glittery sand. A critical success takes no damage, a Critical failure also is afflicted with Stunned (1) and takes double damage.  

Stoneheart (Tier I)

  Casting DC: 17, Duration: Instant/1 minute, Range: 30 feet, Target: Up to two creatures in range, can self target. Effect: Forging the energies of the Topaz Currents, carving them out carefully and shaping them just so, you infuse your targets with the very essence and power of the Domhan, empowering them greatly. They gain +1 to their Constitution and Wisdom Attribute Modifiers for the long duration, as well as healing for 2d8 wounds and removing one of the following conditions, should they have it, immediately;  
  • Confusion (1)
  • Toxic (1)
  • Stunned (1)
  • Frightened (1)
  • Landslide (Tier I)

      Casting DC: 24 Duration: Instant/1 Minute Range: 1000 feet Target: 50 foot radius centered on a point in range. Effect: Cutting and guiding the energies of Domhan with great skill and knowledge, you carefully bring together enough Topaz manna over an area to manifest into reality the effects of a landslide. Suddenly above the target area there will be a low rumbling, like thunder almost, but a tone more akin to stone grinding. All of a sudden the whole target area will just be buried, a ton of rock, soil, gravel and clay just engulfing the target area. Any creatures within the area need to make an Reflex Save. Should they fail, they take 3d6 Thunder damage and 3d6 Bludgeoning Damage and are wholly buried alive, at risk of beginning to suffocate. Should they succeed, they only take half damage, and are merely Restrained, having managed to somehow keep themselves upright and above the swath of mud, earth and stone. Should they critically fail, they are rendered unconscious whilst being buried and are immediately subject to risk of suffocation in future rounds. Should they critically succeed, they still take half damage, but manage to somehow scramble and sort of get themselves continually above the falling earth and soil, and are merely prone, but unhindered and unrestrained, managing to end up atop the mess. For the duration this is also counted as difficult terrain due to the instability of the ground itself, until the manna simply dissipates, the earth fading, returning to where it belongs.  

    Earthquake (Tier I)

      Casting DC: 29 Duration: Instant/1 round Range: 5000 feet. Target: 100 foot radius area centered on a point you can see in range. Effect: One of the most devastating spell forms of any school, you carefully carve, cut, and reassemble the energies of Domhan in an area making them entirely unstable in the Aether, until it has no alternative but to manifest in the Material Realm as an earthquake. The ground will shake, shift and crack. Fractures, bits of sudden raised earth and lowered drops will form, the earth cracking and fracturing wildly. Those within the target area must make a Power Save. Should they fail, they will take 5d6 Thunder Damage and 5d6 Bludgeoning Damage, and be thrown prone. On a critical failure, they also are afflicted with Stunned (1). Should they succeed, they still take full damage but are not thrown prone or stunned. On a critical success they take only half damage. Over the course of the duration, on your turn every round their will be an aftershock. When this happens all creatures within the area must attempt an Agility Defensive Test against the Momentum. Should they fail, they are tossed prone and take an additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage and are tossed prone. The entire area affected is also counted as difficult terrain to cross, and remains so even after the spell has ended, this spell causes permanent damage. Siegecraft Structures and Constructs take 5d10 Thunder damage and 5d10 Bludgeoning damage instead.
    Though sapient, Wyverns and other dragon kind would never take profession levels. However they can learn skills, learn more magicks, and even increase their attributes and learn talents and abilities through study and effort. So feel free to alter any given Wyvern, as with any given Drake or Tane with any sort of abilities or spells or attributes, switching them from these here, adding and altering as you need. Just use caution as always, when considering EL balance.

    Created by

    Keon Croucher.


    Pathfinder 2e

    Statblock Type

    Monster / NPC
