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Ability Score Increase +2 Con, +1 Cha
Size Medium
Speed 30ft.



Most Humans mature at around the 16 to 18 year mark, and can live up to about 150 years. Their heights can vary but usually stay within 4'8" to 6'10".



Most Humans are taught Common from a young age along with their native language. While some communities might teach the languages of the races they communicate with regularly, most humans only know enough for simple interactions.


Unyielding Perseverance

Once per week, a Human may muster up its remaining strength and willpower to re-roll one death saving throw per week. If another bonus gives them this trait already then they instead only need to roll two death saving throws instead of three to stabilize.

A Human's resolve can be overwhelming even in the face of unending adversity.  

Driven Ambition

Humans drive to achieve their goals tend to surpass even the most driven of races. They gain proficiency in Persuasion and may add their Charisma modifier to any and all Inspiration rolls.

The drive to enforce one's will is never-ending.  


There are various different cultural heritages that Humans derive from, mostly separated by their geographical origin. These merely affect the look and language of the character. Here are a few examples:

  • Riveras

    Hail from the western country of Rive. Brown to blonde hair colors; blue to green eye colors. Often on the taller side of the spectrum, with longer head shapes and larger eyes. Pale-skinned and have a range of differing dialects stemming from their root language of Rivian. They tout being dexterous, wise, and creatives who like to travel and spread stories to different lands.

  • Somdasian

    Mostly black haired, with a chance of brown or green, with predominately green and brown eye colors. Average height and head shape with slightly more inset eyes. They are dark to tawny skinned individuals who tend to be multi-talented and respect hard physical labor more than luck and study. They originate from the northwestern country of Somdas, however they tend to be part of a lot of different communities. Their regional language is Simmish which often borrows words from other languages.

  • Ling'Xae

    Dark-haired with brown or gray eyes. Tend to be slightly shorter with smaller facial features. Their skin ranges from fair to tanned, which can lean on the fairer in the northern region of Ling'Xae. These are the only humans that originate from the continent of Reia, and are believed to be descendants or at least more closely related to the Kovik who reside there. They speak a mix of Xhang and Issen due to their divided nature of North and South, however they borrow and mix a lot of aspects with each other to help prevent confusion in trade between the distinct lands.



  • Common
  • Heritage Specific Language
  • One Extra Language of Choice

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