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Greyhawk human gods chart

Rank description
GG=Greater God
IG=Intermediate God
LG+Lesser God

Diety NamesAlgnTitle of the Gods of GreyhawkDomainsSub-DomainWeaponRankSymbol
  • Beory
  • NGGoddess of the Oerth, Nature, and Rain.Animal, Earth, Plant, Water, StormsFeather, Caves, Growth, OceansClubGGGreen Disk marked with Circle
  • Boccob
  • NGod of Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, Foresight and Non-interventionKnowledge, Magic, Mind, Oracle, Trickery, Rune, SpellsMemory, Arcane, Deception, WardsQuarterstaffGGEye within a Pentagram
  • Incabulos
  • NEGod of Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, and DisastersDeath, Destruction, Dream, Evil, Hunger, Madness, Pestilence, SufferingMurder, Devil, CatastropheQuarterstaffGGMagic Icon for the Eye of Possession
  • Istus
  • NGoddess of Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future, and Honesty.Celerity, Chaos, Destiny, Fate, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Oracle ProteanThought, Inevitable, FateWeb of Istus (net)GGGold Spindle
  • Nerull
  • NEGod of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld.Darkness, Death, Evil, Pestilence, Trickery, UndeadMurder, Devil, Deception, LossScythe, Dagger, SickleGGSkull, Scythe
  • Pelor
  • NGGod of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing.Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Protection, Strength, SunAgathion, Resurrection, Purity, Light, ResolveHeavy MaceGGStylized Sun-Face
  • Quetzalcoatl
  • LNGod of the Air, Birds, and SnakesAir, Animal, Domination, Knowledge, Law, Protection, Sky, Good, TravelCloud, Feather, Memory, Agathion, Purity, ExplorationDagger, Light MaceGGfeathered snake with wings.
  • Rao
  • LGGod of Peace, Reason and SerenityCompassion, Good, Inquisition, Knowledge, Law, Mind, Nobility, PactArchon, Thought, MartyrLight MaceGGWhite Heart of Wood or Metal
  • Celestian
  • NGod of Stars, Space and Wanderers.Destiny, Knowledge, Night, Oracle, Protection, Portals, TravelThought, Defense, ExplorationShortspearIGSeven Stars (Gems)
  • Obad-Hai
  • NGod of Nature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, and Beasts.Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, WeatherWind, Fur, Caves, Ash, Growth, Oceans, SeasonsQuarterstaffIGOak Leaf and Acorn
  • Ehlonna
  • NGGoddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora and Fauna, and Fertility.Animal, Celerity, Elf, Good, Family, Plant, Purification, SunFur, Agathion, Growth, DayLongbow, LongswordIGUnicorn
  • Erythnul
  • CE, CNGod of Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, and Slaughter.Battle, Chaos, Evil, Fear, Hatred, Greed, Madness, Mysticism, Trickery, WarDemon, Insanity, Deception, BloodHeavy MaceIGBlood Red Drop or Hideous Mask
  • Fharlanghn
  • N, NGGod of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads.Cavern, Celerity, Luck, Protection, Travel, WeatherFate, Purity, Exploration, SeasonsQuarterstaffIGWooden disk carved with curved Horizon
  • Heironeous
  • LGGod of Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, and Valor.Battle, Courage, Glory, Good, Justice, Law, Nobility, Planning, WarHeroism, Honor, Archon, Leadership, Tactics,Longsword, BattleaxeIGSilver Lightning Bolt
  • Hextor
  • LEGod of War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, and TyrannyBattle, Destruction, Domination, Evil, Law, Tyranny, WarRage, Devil, BloodFlailIG6 Red Arrows facing down in a fan
  • Kord
  • CGGod of Athletics, Sports, Brawling, Strength, and Courage.Chaos, Competition, Courage, Good, Luck, StrengthAzata, Fate, FerocityGreatsword, BastardswordIGStar composed of spears and maces
  • Lendor
  • LNGod of Time, Tedium, Patience, and Study.Destiny, Knowledge, Law, Mind, Oracle, Protection, Rune, TimeThought, Inevitable, DefenseGreatswordIGCrescent Moon in front of New Moon with Stars
  • Nola
  • NGGoddess of the Sun.Air, Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, SunCloud, Smoke, Honor, Agathion, DayJavelinIGgold or copper image of the sun.
  • Olidammara
  • CNGod of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks.Chaos, Luck, Trickery, SongProtean, Fate, Thievery,RapierIGLaughing Mask
  • Pholtus
  • LG, LNGod of Light, Resolution, Law, and Order.Good, Knowledge, Inquisition, Law, Moon, Nobility, SunArcane, Thought, Inevitable, Martyr, LightQuarterstaffIGFull Moon (Luna) eclipsed by Crescent (Celene)
  • Procan
  • CNGod of Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, and Navigation.Animal, Chaos, Luck, Ocean, Storm, Travel, Water, WeatherFeather, Protean, Fate, Exploration, Oceans, StormsTridentIGTrident over Cresting Wave
  • Ralishaz
  • CN, CEGod of Chance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, and Insanity.Chaos, Destruction, Insanity, LuckProtean, Catastrophe, CurseQuarterstaffIGThree Sticks of Bone
  • St. Cuthbert
  • LNGod of Common Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Truth, and Discipline.Destruction, Domination, Good, Law, Protection, Strength, JusticeRage, Archon, Defense, ResolveClub, Heavy MaceIGStarburst of Rubies, Wooden Billet, Crumpled Hat
  • Sehanine Moonbow
  • NGMysticism, Dreams, Journeys, Death, Moon, TranscendenceAfterlife, Chaos, Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Moon, TravelAzata, Memory, ExplorationQuarterstaffIGFull Moon topped by Crescent of Haze
  • Tharizdun
  • CN, CEGod of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, and Insanity.Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Dream, Evil, Force, Insanity, Knowledge, Madness, RuneDemon, Night, Catastrophe, Daemon, Memory, Insanity, NightmareSpiral of DecayIGDark Spiral, Inverted Pyramid
  • Trithereon
  • CGGod of Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, and Self-Defense.Chaos, Good, Protection, Retribution, StrengthAzata, Defense, ResolveLongsword, Great Club, ShortspearIGRune of Pursuit
  • Ulaa
  • LGGoddess of Hills, Mountains, and Gemstones.Earth, Good, LawCaves, Archon,WarhammerIGMountain with a Ruby Heart
  • Wee Jas
  • LN, LEGoddess of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law.Afterlife, Death, Domination, Inquisition, Law, Magic, Mind, Repose, SpellUndead, Devil, DivineDaggerIGRed Skull in front of a Fireball
  • Zilchus
  • LNGod of Power, Prestige, Money, Business, and Influence.City, Knowledge, Law, Mind, Pact, Trade, TrickeryMemory, Inevitable, ThieveryDaggerIGHands Clutching a Bag of Gold
  • Beltar
  • CE CNGoddess of Malice, Caves, and PitsCavern, Chaos, Earth, Evil, War Demon, Caves, Blood-Spiked GauntletLGMonstrous Fangs closing to bite
  • Myhriss
  • NGGoddess of Love, Romance, and Beauty.Beauty, Charm, Community, Domination, Good, Healing, ProtectionAgathion, Restoration, PurityShortbow, WhipLGThe Lovebird.
  • Vecna
  • NEGod of Destructive and Evil Secrets, Magic and IntrigueDestruction,, Evil, Illusion, Knowledge, Madness, Magic, Planning, TyrannyCatastrophe, Daemon, Memory, Insanity, ArcaneDagger, QuarterstaffLGLeft Hand clutching a Human Eye
  • Xan Yae
  • NGoddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and Mental Power.Celerity, Darkness, Knowledge, Night, Trickery, WarMemory, Thievery, Blood, NightFalchionLGA black lotus blossom.
  • Xanag
  • NGoddess of Metals and Beauty.Creation, Domination, Earth, FireMetal, SmokeShort SwordLGcircle with seven lines radiating from it.
  • Al-Akbar
  • LGDemi-God of Guardianship, Faithfulness, Dignity, and Duty.Community, Good, Healing, Law, ProtectionArchon, Resurrection, PurityFalchionDGThe Cup and Talisman
  • Iuz
  • CEDemi-God of Deceit, Pain, Oppression, and Evil.Chaos, Deceit, Evil, Mind, Suffering, Torment, Trickery, TyrannyDemon, DeceptionGreatswordDGGrinning Skull
  • Kyuss
  • NEDemi-God of the Creation and Mastery of Undead.Corruption, Death, Destruction, Evil, Repose, UndeathUndead, Rage, Daemon, SoulsClubDGSkull with worms in its eyes and jaw
  • Mayaheine
  • LGDemi-Goddess of Protection, Valor, and Justice.Law, Good, Protection, WarArchon, Defense, TacticsBastard SwordDGdownward pointing sword with a V on either side.
  • Merikka
  • LGDemi-Goddess of Farming, Agriculture, and Home.Family, Good, Harvest, Law, Plant, ProtectionArchon, Growth, PuritySickleDGBasket of Grain, long Scroll
  • Zagyg
  • CNDemi-God of Humor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore, and Unpredictability.Chaos, Insanity, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, SpellProtean, Memory, ArcaneClubDGRune of Insanity
  • ------
  • Pyremius
  • NEGod of Fire, Poison, and MurderDeath, Deceit, Destruction, Evil, FireMurder, Catastrophe, Daemon, SmokeLongsword, WhipLGDemonic Face with ears like Bat Wings
  • Syrul
  • NEGoddess of Lies, Deceit, Treachery, and False PromisesDeceit, Domination, Evil, Knowledge, Mind, TrickeryDaemon, Thought, DeceptionDaggerLGA forked tongue
  • Bralm
  • LNGoddess of Insects and IndustriousnessAnimal, Community, Law, Pact, Planning, StrengthFeather, Inevitable, ResolveQuarterstaffLGGiant Wasp in front of a Swarm
  • Llerg
  • CNGod of Beasts and StrengthAnimal, Chaos, Courage, StrengthFur, Azata, FerocityBattleaxe, LongswordLGGreat Bear, Snake, Alligator
  • Dalt
  • CGGod of Portals, Doors, Enclosures, Locks, and KeysChaos, Craft, Good, Protection, Travel, TrickeryAzata, Defense, Exploration, ThieveryDaggerLGLocked Door with Skeleton Key beneath
  • Fortubo
  • LG, LNGod of Stone, Metals, Mountains, and GuardianshipCommunity, Earth, Good, Law, Metal, Mysticism, ProtectionMetal, Archon, PurityWarhammerLGGlowing-headed Hammer
  • Jascar
  • LGGod of Hills and MountainsEarth, Good, Law, Metal, ProtectionCaves, Archon, PurityWarhammerLGSnow-capped Mountain Peak
  • Lydia
  • CGGoddess of Music, Knowledge, and Daylightphilosophy pleases Trithereonopposes Pholtus, others must see the light of truth without being blinded by itsongs and informationLGspray of colors from an open hand
  • Norebo
  • CNGod of Luck, Gambling, and RisksChaos, Luck, TrickeryProtean, Deception, FateDaggerLGPair of Eight-sided Dice
  • Osprem
  • LNGoddess of Sea voyages, Ships, and Sailors.Law, Ocean, Protection, Travel, WaterInevitable, Defense, Exploration, OceansTridentLGDolphin, Sperm Whale, or Barracuda
  • Phaulkon
  • CGGod of the Air, Wind, Clouds, Birds and ArcheryAir, Animal, Chaos, Good, Sky, War , WeatherWind, Feather, Azata, Tactics, StormsLongbow, DaggerLGWinged Human Silhouette
  • Phyton
  • CGGod of Nature, Beauty, and FarmingBeauty, Chaos, Good, Harvest, Plant, Sun, WaterAzata, Growth, Light, OceansScimitarLGScimitar in front of an Oak Tree
  • Vatun
  • CNGod of the Northern Barbarians, Cold, Winter, and Arctic BeastsAir, Animal, Chaos, Cold, Storm, StrengthWind, Fur, Protean, FerocityBattleaxeLGSun Setting on a Snowy Landscape
  • Xerbo
  • NGod of the Sea, Sailing, Money, and BusinessAnimal, Knowledge, Ocean, Trade, WaterFeather, Memory, OceanTridentLGDragon Turtle

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