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Control Body

Control Body
PSP (Initial)
PSP (Ongoing)
240 ft.​
Area of Effect
​Individual ​
Telekinesis ​
Power Score
The psionicist automatically wins the initial psychic contest.
Critical (20)
The psionicist suffers partial paralysis (an arm or leg) for 1d10 turns.
This science allows psychokinetic control of another person’s body. In effect, the victim becomes a marionette. He knows that someone else is pulling his strings, though, and he‘s probably mad as all get-out. Before this science actually works, the psionicist must engage in a psychic contest, pitting his power score directly against the victim’s Strength. If the victim wins the contest, he breaks free (the psionicist still pays the power cost). In a tie, the contest continues into the next round, provided the psionicist maintains the power. The victim can‘t do anything else during this contest; all his effort is focused on retaining control of his own body. If the power works, the psionicist has rudimentary control over the victim’s limbs. He can make the victim stand up, sit down, walk, turn pound, etc. The body can be forced to attack physically, but with a -6 penalty on attack rolls (using the victim’s own THACO). The victim can’t be forced to speak. In fact, he keeps control over his own voice and can say whatever he likes. The victim must stay within the 80 yard range or the psionicist’s control is broken automatically. If the body is forced to do something obviously suicidal, like walking off a cliff or poking at a red dragon, the victim can fight another contest with the psionicist to regain control (the adrenaline rush of imminent danger gives him renewed strength). ​

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Statblock Type

ADD 2E Psionics
