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Beast Mastery

Beast Mastery
PSP (Initial)
PSP (Ongoing)
​30 ft.​
Area of Effect
​individual ​
21st level ​
Power Score
The psionicist gains a natural affinity for this creature. If he ever initiates this power for this creature in the future, he need only expend 5 PSPs as an initial cost. ​
Critical (20)
The attempt fails and the psionicist can never attempt to control this creature again. ​
A psionicist uses this power to gain control over psionic beasts. This telepathic devotion is only available to psionicists of 21st level or greater. This power controls only psionic creatures of animal, semi-, or low Intelligence (1-7). It does not affect humanoids or undead. On a successful power check, the psionicist gains control over the creature for the rest of that day. The maintenance cost for this power equals the creature’s Hit Dice in PSPs per day. The maximum number of creatures the psionicist can control is equal to his level above 20th. Once the power is ended, the controlled creature wanders away toward its natural habitat. While controlled, the creature uses all abilities as the psionicist wishes. The creature must still eat, and if taken out of its natural environment, it may perish if not properly cared for. Creature and psionicist share an empathic link (free of cost). If creature and psionicist become separated by more than 300 yards, the power fails. If a controlled creature is slain, the psionicist suffers its loss severely. He immediately takes hit points of damage equal to the dead creature’s original Hit Dice. The psionicist must save vs. paralyzation or be knocked unconscious for 1d20 rounds. ​

Created by


Statblock Type

ADD 2E Psionics
