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Psionic Vampirism

Psionic Vampirism
PSP (Initial)
PSP (Ongoing)
​30 ft.​
Area of Effect
Individual ​
6th level, Psychic Drain ​
Power Score
The psionicist psychic drains the victim at the same time he uses psionic vampirism on him. ​
Critical (20)
The psionicist provides his intended victim with full contact into his own mind while severing any contact he had established with the victim. ​
​Psionic vampirism is the much-feared ability to steal another’s psionic strength in order to replenish the psionicist’s own. Although it resembles psychic drain, psionic vampirism is different in three important ways: first, PSPs are directly drained; secondly, the victim need not be asleep; and third, the victim need not be humanoid, it only has to have a PSP score. Psionic vampirism is a very painful process, but is not debilitating as psychic drain can be. To begin draining PSPs from the victim, the psionicist must establish contact. Once she has access to the victim’s mind, she can begin draining PSPs. The power check for psionic vampirism determines the rate of drain.​ Power Check Rate of Drain 1-2 3 PSPs/round 3-4 5 PSPs/round 5-9 7 PSPs/round 10-12 9 PSPs/round 13-14 11 PSPs/round 15+ 15 PSPs/round Although no permanent damage is caused by this power, it is unpleasant in the extreme and the victim will almost certainly want to fight back. Since the power only works against creatures with a PSP score (psionicists, wild talents, or psionic monsters), the victim is probably not helpless and may know a psionic defense to prevent the necessary contact. Psionic strength drained by this power returns normally, just as if the victim had expended those points himself. If a victim is drained to 0 PSPs by psionic vampirism, he must make a saving throw versus death or fall unconscious for 2d6 turns. Draining a victim of mental energy is usually an evil act, and psionicists who make extensive use of this power will find their alignments gradually twisting toward evil. ​

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Statblock Type

ADD 2E Psionics
