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Watery Fist

Watery Fist
Type of Magic
Spell Level
Conjuration and Summoning (House Gaius)
Elemental ​Water​
180 ft.​

Material, Somatic, Verbal

The material component is a vial full of blessed water or a sprig of mistletoe that is thrown onto the body of water from which the fist will be summoned.

​1 rd./level
Casting Time
Area of Effect
Saving Throw
This spell conjures a coherent pseudopod of water from any suitable body of water at least 5 feet across and 2 feet deep (for streams) or 10 feet in diameter and 2 feet deep (for ponds or pools). The pseudopod can stretch up to 10 feet plus 1 foot per caster level from its source, so a 3rd‑level priest could command watery fist to strike at a creature hovering thirteen feet above a lake or standing on the shore 13 feet from the water. The pseudopod obeys the priest’s mental commands, although the priest must concentrate each round in order to maintain control of the watery member.​ ​The pseudopod is incapable of fine manipulation, but it can be used to make bludgeoning or constricting attacks. When used to strike at opponents, it attacks with the caster’s THAC0 and inflicts damage as shown below. The priest may add his magical attack adjustment (from his Wisdom score) to his THAC0, but Strength‑based adjustments or special weapon skills don’t help the priest to control watery fist. The pseudopod may be able to make rear or flank attacks if the priest can direct it into the proper position.​ If used to encircle and constrict, the pseudopod must first make an attack roll as described above, inflicting damage based on the priest’s level. However, in following rounds, the pseudopod automatically strikes its grappled target for constricting damage, +1 point per round of constricting. In other words, in the first round the victim sustains listed damage, in the second round he sustains listed damage +1, in the third he sustains listed damage +2, and so on. The pseudopod holds its target with an effective Strength equal to the priest’s Wisdom score. ​ Caster Striking Constricting Level Damage Damage 1–4 1d6 1d3 5–8 1d10 1d6 9–12 1d12 1d8 13+ 2d8 1d10​ ​Watery fist can be released by the priest any time he cares to stop concentrating on maintaining it. The pseudopod immediately resumes its normal state, possibly drenching a grappled creature or extinguishing a small fire if the caster wishes. The pseudopod is AC 6 and has 15 hp plus 1 hp per caster level, but it can only be damaged by magical weapons, fire, or cold; all other attacks simply pass through the water. Transmute water to dust, part water, lower water, and Otiluke’s freezing sphere all destroy watery fist on contact. The material component is a vial full of blessed water or a sprig of mistletoe that is thrown onto the body of water from which the fist will be summoned. ​

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ADD2E Spells
