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Tanglefoot (Selective Passage)

Tanglefoot (Selective Passage)
Type of Magic
Spell Level
Abjuration, Alteration
​720 ft.​

Material, Somatic, Verbal

The material component is a drop of molasses for tanglefoot, and a pinch of powdered graphite for selective passage.

​2 turns/level ​
Casting Time
2 turns ​
Area of Effect
300 sq. ft./level ​
Saving Throw
This spell temporarily doubles the movement cost of one region of ground. Units allied to the priest are unaffected and movement is made at normal cost; only enemy units suffer the penalty. A variety of effects result from the spell depending on the terrain: grass twists hinderingly around troops' ankles, swamp becomes more viscous, rocks and gravel shift underfoot, etc. The spell affects only units--that is, groups of soldiers moving in regular or irregular formation. The spell does not affect individuals or monsters moving and operating alone. (When using the BATTLESYSTEM™ rules, figures that represent individual heroes are not affected by this spell.) When casting this spell, the priest must have an uninterrupted line of sight to the terrain to be affected. The priest can choose the shape of the area, up to the maximum area of effect. This spell can create only one continuous area of tanglefoot. There is no way of detecting that a particular area is under the influence of this spell simply by looking at the area. Detect magic will reveal that the area is magically affected. The reverse of this spell, selective passage, cuts the movement cost of an area in half (round fractions up) for friendly units. Again, individual heroes and creatures are not affected by this spell (which means that advancing troops must be careful not to leave their leader behind!). ​

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Statblock Type

ADD2E Spells
