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Eleth Table

Eleth TypeNoneLowNormalHigh
AirUnderground, Underwater, Highly Polluted AirOn the groundTop of MountainFree Fall
AnimalClean Room, Desert, WastelandCity, Forest, PlainsJungle, Large Zoo, RainforestGatherings, Large Nests
Body ControlPlace of Freedom, SolitudeCrowd of 10+Crowd of 100+, Doctor's Office, PrisonBiologist's Lab, Crowd of 1000+, Torture Chamber
Communication and EmpathyLibrary, SolitudeBedroom, Counsellor's Office, School LecternAcademy, ParliamentMarriage Grounds (Recent), Parliament (Heated)
DarknessSunlightBright LightMoonlight, Dim TorchlightDarkness
EarthFree Fall, UnderwaterOn the groundUndergroundEntombed
FireLack of FireCampfire, TorchesBonfires, Burning BuildingForest Fire, Volcano
FoodClean Room, Desert, PrisonFishery, Hunting GroundsKitchen, RestaurantFeasting Grounds, Vineyard
GateTypicalArches, DoorwaysCity GatesTemporal/Spatial Anomaly
HealingAbattoirs, Cities (Plagued), Torture ChambersCities, HouseholdsDoctor's Office, Healer's HutHospital, Surgery Room
Illusion and CreationBoredom, PrisonArtistic Tools, HouseholdsArtist's Studio, WorkshopFactory, Theatre
KnowledgePolitical Places, Stupid PeopleChart Room, Smart PeopleLibrary, MuseumAcademy, Schools
LightDarknessMoonlight, Dim TorchlightBright LightSunlight
Making and BreakingUnchanging PlacesCrafting Tools, Places of DestructionFactory, WorkshopNone
Mind ControlPlaces of Freedom, SolitudeCitiesSchool, ParliamentPrison, Torture Chamber
MovementEntombment, Prison, Places of RegimentCities, RoadsHighways, RiversOceans, Trade Routes
NecromanticDoctor's Office, HospitalChurch, GraveyardMorgue, Recent Killings (10+)Mass Graves, Recent Killings (100+)
PlantClean Room, Desert, WastelandFarms, Forest, Plains, RiversJungle, Rainforest, OceansOvergrown Terrariums, Redwood Forests
Protection and WarningCrowds, Open Plains, Places of ChaosCities, PrisonsHouseholds, Places of SafetyPalaces, Parliament, Secret Gatherings
SoundCacophonyHarsh Background Noise, YellingConversation, Background NoiseSilence
WarPeace, Being AloneSkirmishes of 10+ Fighters, Minor Acts of Glory or ProwessConflicts of 100+ Fighters, Major Acts of Glory of ProwessBattlefields of 1000+ Fighters, Great Acts of Glory or Prowess
WaterDesertJug of Water, Stream, RainRainstorm, Snowy Ground, River, WellHurricane, Lake, Ocean
WeatherClear, Still DayRain, Snow, WindRainstorm, SnowstormDirect Lightning Strike, Hurricane, Tornado

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
