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Polymorph Any Object

Polymorph Any Object
Type of Magic
Spell Level
Alteration (House Publius)
​15 ft./level​

Material, Somatic, Verbal

The material components of this spell are mercury, gum arabic, and smoke.

Casting Time
1 round ​
Area of Effect
Saving Throw
​This spell changes one object or creature into another. When used as a polymorph other orstone to flesh spell, simply treat the spell as a more powerful version, with saving throws made with -4 penalties to the die roll. When it is cast in order to change other objects, the duration of the spell depends on how radical a change is made from the original state to its enchanted state, as well as how different it is in size. The DM determines the changes by using the following guidelines:​ ​ Kingdom Animal, vegetable, mineral Class Mammals, bipeds, fungi, metals, etc. Relationship Twig is to tree, sand is to beach, etc. Size Smaller, equal, larger Shape Comparative resemblance of the original to the polymorphed state Intelligence Particularly with regard to a change in which the end product is more intelligent​ ​A change in kingdom makes the spell work for hours (if removed by one kingdom) or turns (if removed by two). Other changes likewise affect spell duration. Thus, changing a lion to an androsphinx would be permanent, but turning a turnip to a purple worm would be a change with a duration measured in hours. Turning a tusk into an elephant would be permanent, but turning a twig into a sword would be a change with a duration of several turns. All polymorphed objects radiate a strong magic, and if a dispel magic spell is successfully cast upon them, they return to their natural form. Note that a stone to flesh spell or its reverse will affect objects under this spell. As with other polymorph spells, damage sustained in the new form can result in the injury or death of the polymorphed creature. For example, it is possible to polymorph a creature into rock and grind it to dust, causing damage, perhaps even death. If the creature was changed to dust to start with, more creative methods to damage it would be needed; perhaps the wizard could use a gust of wind spell to scatter the dust far and wide. In general, damage occurs when the new form is altered through physical force, although the DM will have to adjudicate many of these situations. The system shock roll must be applied to living creatures, as must the restrictions noted regarding the polymorph other and stone to flesh spells. Also note that a polymorph effect often detracts from an item's or creature's powers, but does not add new powers, except possibly movement capabilities not present in the old form. Thus, a vorpal sword polymorphed into a dagger would not retain vorpal capability. Likewise, valueless items cannot be made into permanent valuable items. ​

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Statblock Type

ADD2E Spells
