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Some strive to find fame, for others, it finds them. You are well known in your hometown and the surrounding area (potentially even further) for your exploits and general charisma. Crowds gather at your presence, people want to be you (or be with you), and children look up to you as a hero. This can have its advantages, but can also be a hinderance at times where you want to be left alone.

Skill Proficiencies Performance, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies Disguise Kit
Equipment Disguise Kit, a set of fancy clothes, a small hand mirror, a letter from a fan and a pouch containing 15 gp.
Lifestyle Wealthy


Celebrity Status

Being a known figure has it's perks. When in a town or city where the common folk know you, you can draw a crowd by revealing your presence. The size of the crowd will depend on the size of the village/town/city you are in (this is up to the DM's discretion to decide). Also, when speaking to somebody who admires you, your charm can often get you things that others would not.  

Variant: Rival

If your claim to fame is in a competitive world (Musician or Champion for example) you may have a rival, or rivals, who seek to dethrone you from your lofty perch. These rivals could be known to you, or emerge naturally as your fame rises. Your rival will often seek to defeat you, or sully your name.

Suggested Characteristics

A celebrity often has a different view on the world around them. Some sit on a pedestal, looking down on others - some are more humble and like to give back to the community that made them who they are.


d6Personality Trait
1I don't have time for trivialities, it's all about the big picture!
2I am #1 for a reason, and I often remind people why that is.
3I am forever thankful for those who made me, and like to give back when I can.
4Everything I do is for the fans, they're the best people in the world!
5I always wear a disguise when going somewhere I am well-known.
6I announce my presence whenever I enter a tavern.


1I use my fame to the benefit of others, either through words or actions. (Good)
2Although I enjoy the perks of being famous, I will never use my status to break the law of the land. (Lawful)
3My name should be spread far and wide, world domination will be mine! (Chaotic)
4I've given so much of myself to the community, I deserve every good thing coming to me, wherever it comes from. (Evil)
5My fame does not mean I am better than anyone else, we are all equals, my path is just a little different. (Neutral)
6If I could give up my fame, I would. I want a normal life. (Any)


1I love my fans, so, so much.
2My home is where it all started, I'll never forget that place - no matter how far I go.
3My best friend, who has stood by me through thick and thin.
4Show me the gold!
5My lifestyle is my life.
6I love myself.


1I am the centre of the universe, everything else is secondary.
2I can't resist the pull of the fans, my time is their time.
3I just can't... stop... looking at myself!
4There's nothing much I can't do, or have done for me.
5I don't want this attention, I just want to hide away...
6Nobody can resist my advances.

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