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Illusion Magic

Illusion Magic is energy magic. This is the Free blades spell list for the Illusionist.

Power CostSpell NameEffectDuration
(1)CloakTarget friend gains a Stealth Token.I
(2)ConfusionTarget cannot Run, make a special action, make a reaction or make a ranged attack unless it passes a KNW test 7.C
(2)DazzleTarget has a –2dl RAR and -2dl MAR.C
(1)Illusionary BladesMelee attacks by the target cannot be Parried or Dodged unless the enemy attempting to Parry or Dodge passes a KNW test 7 for each Parry or Dodge attempt.C
(1)Illusionary TerrainYou place a 4" AoE in LOS. You designate the AoE as a Woods, Solid, Rocky, Watery or Icy terrain feature. Models, friendly or enemy, who attempt to enter the AoE or draw LOS through it treat it as that terrain type unless they pass a KNW test 7. The KNW test is Target Number 9 if the AoE is in contact with an existing feature possessing the same terrain type keyword. This terrain feature cannot be used to deploy previously undeployed models. The AoE may not be placed on a model.C
(1)Leader's VoiceTarget gains the Sergeant [follower type] talent. The target gains +1dl DISC for any Fear or Morale tests it or models using its DISC are required to take.C
(1)MaskUnengaged target gains the Disguise talent.C
(2)PhantomsTwo target enemies are treated as being engaged by an enemy for the purposes of Piling On. Alternatively, one target enemy is treated as being engaged by two enemies for the purposes of Piling On.C
(3)UncertaintyTarget enemy makes an immediate KNW test 7 and if it fails, cannot make a ranged attack against or engage you or your friends. This effect is canceled if the target is attacked or engaged by you or a friend.C

Created by


Statblock Type

Generic, Table
