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Dwarven Stormbow


Rare Requires Attunement

Ammunition, Heavy, Loaded, Two-handed

This crossbow was wielded by the proud Stormguard of Ban Grond in the ancient times of Rhunaar. The weapon is a +1 weapon with a Magic Ore Lump at its center, colored purple by its storm enchantment. The crossbow has 5 charges, which can be regained by spending hours in a thunderstorm (1 charge/hour), or by Long Resting (regain 1d4 charges). You can expend a charge to infuse lightning into your next shot, dealing an additional 1d8 lightning damage on a hit. If all charges are used there is a 20% chance the Magic Ore Lump fueling the weapon becomes depleted ( 1d20 <= 4, the lump loses its power), effectively making the crossbow an ordinary heavy crossbow with some decorations.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d10+1 Piercing 100/400 ft.

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