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Boon of Spells - School Boon

Requirements Networking Points in the School of Spells
Description You have established connections among the scholars of spells. This connection provides insight and tangible assistance based on the depth of your connection.
Applications The universal benefit of this training is creating a network of colleagues and contacts who regularly provide you consumable items. At the beginning of each adventure, your character receives a consumable item of their level or lower from a list of options; they have access to the items of the appropriate level in the Table. If not used by the end of the adventure, the item is returned to the character’s contacts.  
  • 1 Point: When selecting your free consumable item at the beginning of the adventure, you can choose one of the items on the school’s list of options.
  • 2 Points: You become trained in one of the Lore skills associated with the school. At 5th level, you gain a bonus skill feat selected from the list below.
    • Lore skill, choose from Academia Lore, Architecture Lore, or Herbalism Lore..
    • Bonus Skill Feat choose from Arcane Sense, Assurance, Quick Identification, or Recognize Spell.
  • 3 Points: When selecting your free consumable item at the beginning of the adventure, you gain both one item of your level or lower from the options available, and you gain a second item whose item level is no greater than half your level (minimum 1).
Degrees of Performance
Level Items
1 Holy Water, lesser bomb, lesser antidote, lesser antiplague, Minor Healing Potion, Level 1 Scroll of (Burning Hands, Charm, Fear, Harm, Heal, Mage Armor, Magic Fang, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Soothe)
3 Lesser Healing Potion, Potion of Water Breathing, Level 2 Scroll of (Barkskin, Comprehend Languages, Dispel Magic, Invisibility, Remove Fear, Remove Paralysis, Resist Energy, Restoration, See Invisibility, Water Breathing)
5 Moderate Bomb, Level 3 scroll of (Fireball, Haste, Heroism, Lightning Bolt, Searing Light)
7 Lesser Potion of Resistance, moderate antidote, moderate antiplague, Moderate Healing Potion, Level 4 Scroll of (Air Walk, Fly, Stoneskin, Suggestion)
9 Potion of Flying, Level 5 Scroll of (Banishment, Breath of Life, Cone of Cold, Crushing Despair)
11 Greater antidote, greater antiplague, Level 6 Scroll of (Phantasmal Calamity, Stone to Flesh, Tangling Creepers, True Seeing, Vampiric Exsanguination)
13 Greater bomb, Greater Healing Potion, Level 7 Scroll of (Energy Aegis, Sunburst, True Target)
15 Major antidote, major antiplague, Level 8 Scroll of (Divine Aura, Horrid Wilting, Uncontrollable Dance)
17 Level 9 Scroll of (Foresight, Implosion, Overwhelming Presence)
19 Major Healing Potion

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Action / Feat
