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Proficiency with Thieving allows you to purchase these highly specialised sets of equipment:
Block and Tackle (2gp): Allow you to lift 4 times your normal carrying weight, and to set up a belaying mechanism to drop down mid-air from a skylight or trapdoor.
Appraisal Kit (5gp): a pouch containing a set of scales, a file, a few chemicals and a small magnifying glass. Proficiency allows you to accurately appraise the value of a piece of treasure. Add your proficiency bonus to attempts at haggling during trade.
Silversmith Pouch (12gp): A pouch containing pliers, claw hammer, and chisel. Proficiency allows you to create small metal components for traps, from rings to caltrops to bladed jaws. Add your proficiency to the DC of your Traps.
Thieves’ Tools (25gp): a pouch containing a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers. Proficiency with these tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to disarm traps or open locks.

Beginner Traps

The most basic of traps, these are less cunningly made devices so much as ways of jury-rigging the environment is disastrous ways.
Caltrops: (DC 6) [Slag metal; 8sp, Broken Glass; 5cp] A bag of 20 four-point devices with sharp edges that make a loud audible sound when step into. When deployed they make a 10ft space into difficult terrain, and anyone who becomes prone in these spaces takes 1d4 piercing damage.
Bear Jaws: (DC 7) [Tensile Spring; 1gp, Iron Loops; 5sp] A saw-toothed trap designed to clamp down on a leg that activates it and immobilize them in the location. Dexterity 11 DC or take 1d4 piercing damage and their speed is either halved, or (if secured properly) reduced to 0ft until they escape. Can be hidden using Survival or Deception.
Net Trap: (DC 8) [50ft Hemp Rope; 5sp, Lead Weights; 5sp] A woven net with weights build around the edge, that tangles after deployment to trap the victim. The victim in incapacitated, they can spend an action to make a DC 13 Escape check. Can be attached to ceilings of tree branches with a Snare Trap.
Snare Trap: (DC 9) [Copper Wire; 5sp, 50ft Hemp Rope; 5sp, Counterweight; 1sp] An incredibly thin but very strong wire, when the pressure succeeds it sets off a rope that yanks the target into the air, Dexterity 12 DC to avoid this. Can be hidden using Survival or Deception, or trigger another trap.
Boulder Trap: (DC 10) [50ft Hemp Rope; 5sp, Counterweight; 5sp, Random Boulders] An extreme collection of tension and devices to prepare boulders to fall down a cliff or slope. Can be combined with a Net Trap and/or Snare Trap for extra affect. Deals 2d10 bludgeoning damage to every creature in it’s wake, Dexterity DC 10 for half damage.
False Lock: (DC 10) [Small Steel Needle; 1gp, Glass Rod; 5sp] A cunning created poison needle to hide around a lock. The needle can deliver a dose of poison to the victim and disable toe lock. Requires an Investigation DC 13 to find.

Intermediate Traps

Far more complex forms of traps, these are more cunning mechanical devices that have quasi-magical components and can be used for battlefield control.
Tanglefoot Bag: (DC 12) [Ettercap Gland; 5gp, Necromantic Skin; 8sp, Living Wood; 7sp] Sew a small pouch out of the necromantic skin, then burn apart the living wood in a blue alchemical flame, into a course black ash. Dissolve the ettercap gland with a purple alchemical flame and add the ash. Pour the combined mixture before cooled into the pouch and seal. When the bag spills, it explodes in a web of ultra-sticky tendrils in a 20ft area is difficult terrain, any targets that start their turn must make a DC 12 Strength check or be Restrained.
Bamboo Spring: (DC 14): [Druidic Focus; 5gp, Tensile Spring; 1gp, Living Wood; 2sp, Broken Glass; 5cp] A tightly packed coil of wood rolled into a ball. Throwing it deploys a 10ft area of difficult terrain as jagged glass and sharpened bamboo tips cover the area. Targets must move quarter speed to take no damage, otherwise they take 1d4 slashing damage for every foot of movement.
Spitting Turtle: (DC 16) [Living Ooze; 8gp, High Tensile Spring; 1gp, Wooden Chassis; 5sp] A small dome of wood, when thrown on the ground it activates, targets in the four cardinal directions with a crossbow bolt (2d10 piercing damage) versus a 10 Dexterity Saving Throw.
Breath of Ages: (DC 16) [Essence of Air; 5gp, Dwarven Overproof Whiskey; 5gp, Iron Flask; 1gp, Copper Gears; 5sp] A small device that can be activated by another trap to release a pressured gas or liquid. Contains highly flammable alcohol on a default.
Clockwork Timer: (DC 18) [Monodrone Heart; 15gp, Copper Gears; 5sp] A simple device, can be used to set off another trap based on a fixed amount of time.

Advanced Traps

The most advanced of traps, full magical functions and control usually used to defend a single position rather than in-field deployment.
Doppelganger Delusion: (DC 20) [Enchanted Mirror; 10gp, Elemental Prism; 5gp, Golden Cap Mushrooms; 4gp] Once deployed it will record the appearance and actions of the nearest humanoid for 12 seconds. And then repeat that action to a point (can only be projected up to 10ft from the Trap).
Elemental Aegis: (DC 22) [20gp, Essence of Death; 10gp, Pure Elemental Essence; 5gp, Pure Elemental Salts; 1gp] Creates a magical aura of 60ft suppressing elemental magic in the area. All creatures are resistant to a particular elemental damage type. This trap can be stacked for multiple protections.
Mirrodin’s Pull: (DC 23) [Graviton Dust; 20gp, Essence of Fire; 5gp, Essence of Storm; 5gp, Steel Plate; 1gp] Creates a 40ft square area of intense magnetic and gravitational pull. Creatures wearing metal or encumbered must spend 5ft of movement to move 1 foot. Lasts for 1d4 turns.
Mechanus Detector: (DC 24) [Duodrone Heart; 10gp, Behir Gizzard; 9gp, 50ft Hemp Rope; 5sp, Counterweight; 5sp] A device capable of activating traps from more sophisticated methods. A command word, timer, presence of a particular individual even. Each individual command is required, and can handle a handful of devices at once.

Masterclass Traps

The premium in traps and home defense. Use of these usually guarantees safety for a castle, mage tower or manor, channeling pure destructive magic through seemingly mundane devices.
Last Stand: (DC 26) [Graviton Dust; 20gp, Impure Adamantine Plate; 10gp, Essence of Fire; 5gp, High Tensile Spring; 1gp, Tiefling Blood; 1gp] A small plate that when stepped on (Investigation DC 16 to notice), deals 6d6 thunder and fire damage, no save for all creatures within 15ft.
Necromancy Ward: (DC 28) [Essence of Shadow; 30gp, Essence of Fire; 5gp, Spontaneous Undead Flesh; 4gp, Tiefling Blood; 1gp] Creates a ward on all corpses within 120ft. If any of these are disturbed, necromantic magics strike out and animate all dead in the area. Those dead are hostile to everyone.
Overwatch: (DC 30) [Tridrone Heart; 50gp, Adamantine Case; 20gp, Essence of Death; 10gp] A complex system able to monitor an entire building, activating traps when appropriate and recognise allies from enemies. Extremely complex and requires careful consideration to program appropriately.

Cutting Edge Lockpicking


Double Acting Tumbler Lock

A standard lock, often used for older locks and people on a budget. Takes a skilled thief a single action with a sharp piece of bone to open. Roll with advantage when using proper Thieves' Tools. Unless magically altered has a DC between 5-10.

Bramah Safety Lock

A far more complex locking mechanism, often used for safety doors. Needs a set of Thieves' Tools to pick. Roll with advantage if the picker has seen the key used for this lock. Unless magically altered has a DC between 10-20.

Linus Pin-Tumbler Lock

The latest craze, the Pin-Tumbler uses a cylinder with pins set on seperate screws for a multiple input mechanism prone to jamming and extremely difficult to pick without obvious signs of damage. A decent Thieves' Tools is necessary just to diagnose the lock. Thievery check to determine how many tumblers are in the lock, between 3 and 7 (typically 3-5) (DC +5 per tumbler). You can then expend a d6 for every 6 seconds spend on this lock, with a natural 1 on any of the d6 resulting in a pin jamming or cracking (and leaving behind critical evidence). Those with expertise in Thievery can reroll a number of d6s equal to their proficiency bonus.

Dial Combination Lock

The most cutting edge of locks, with information about them barely even on the streets. DC 20 Intelligence (Thievery) check to even know about these. Used mostly for Banks and some of the wealthiest of Nobles and Royals. While these styles of locks can be combined with a Bramah or Linus style lock, the particular mechanism used here does not require lockpicks. It does however, require a series of DC 15-25 Wisdom (Perception) test to even listen to the correct sounds, as well as several minutes per turn. Can have between 3 and 5 turns per lock, and the Knock spell destroying the lock and perminantly ruining the ability to open the door.

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