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Powder Mage (The Black Powder Conspiracy)

Hit Points

Hit Dice: d10 per Powder Mage (The Black Powder Conspiracy) level
Hit Points at first Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Powder Mage level


Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Melee Weapons, One-Handed Martial Weapons, Firearms (except sniper rifles and shotguns), Bayonets
Tools: Gunsmith's Tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Stealth, Survival

Overview & Creation

A man in a blue military uniform adorned with golden powder-keg buttons tips a few grains of gunpowder out from his powder-horn. He puts the powder up his nose and inhales deeply. His senses sharpen, his vision extends, and he feels power course through his body. He leans out from behind a crumbled wall, takes aim at a distant wizard, and lets loose a shot from his musket. The Powder Mage burns part of the powder in his horn and re-directs the blast to propel his musket ball even further, catching the wizard between the eyes.   An Elven woman faces an oncoming swarm of raiders that is drawing too close to her musket. She affixes a bayonet and takes a long inhale from her powder-horn. She feels her body course with energy, granting her strength, enhanced reflexes, and senses so keen she can perfectly read her enemies' movements. She charges the raiders, impaling one with her bayonet and slashing at another. She draws her side arm, fires, and warps the blast of the gunpowder to curve her shot through the skulls of two more raiders.     A young dwarf feels the heft of his musket on his back, the slap of his pistol at his side, and the heft of the short sword in its scabbard. However, the greatest sensation he feels is the presence of gunpowder all around him; in his horn, in the small kegs he carries, in the firearms of his compatriots. He knows the power that the black powder holds, its penchant for destruction. He sees a group of enemy soldiers dug into a trench. He grabs one of the grenades he carries, and tosses it towards the trench. Before it lands, he reaches out with his mind and ignites the powder, then amplifying the power of the explosion. The blast burns through the trench, engulfing an entire company in flame.   Powder Mages, often times called Marked, are a relatively recent development in Adrica. The first Marked appeared just shy of 100 years ago, and their effectiveness in combat was almost immediately apparent. Many nations prosecute them out of the threat they pose to most magic users, thanks in part to their ability to hit targets from thousands of yards away. Powder Mages can sense gunpowder and ignite it with a thought. Beyond that, they are able to control and shape the resulting blast in a myriad of ways. They can float bullets over long distances, change their trajectory, increase the speed of a projectile, or even prevent enemy firearms from firing. They can also consume black powder to enter a Powder Trance, a state of increased strength and speed, and sharper senses. This power comes at a price. Marked that rely to heavily on the Powder Trance risk going Powder Blind and losing their abilities. Even minimal use of the Powder Trance results in a hangover of sorts; pounding headaches, blurred vision, and intense hunger are common symptoms. They are employed heavily in the Ardan military, conscripted into service as marksmen and officers. Few other nations use them so heavily, instead preferring to rely on traditional magics to augment their armies. Powder Mages are outright illegal in Yuleth, and it is rare for any Powder Mages to emerge from the violent nation.

Class Features

Marksman's Sight

Powder Mages have naturally superior vision, they are able to see farther and with sharper clarity than even the most powerful magicians. Powder Mages have proficiency in the Perception skill.
As a powder mage you also have the ability to sense the location of gunpowder in the world. You can sense the location of gunpowder within a 60ft circle that emanates from you. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier, and these uses reset on a long rest.  

Powder Vials

Powder Mages traditionally prepare vials of gunpowder for ease of consumption. At first level you have a maximum number of vials of 2 + your wisdom modifier. You gain an additional 2 maximum vials at levels 2, 6, 9, and 12. You can refill all vials on a short or long rest. Each time you deal a killing blow to an enemy with a firearm you gain one vial, but cannot exceed your max number of vials. Vials can be used to enter a Powder Trance, or they can be used to alter the function of a firearm in a number of ways.  

Powder Trance

Consuming a vial of gunpowder allows a powder mage to enter into a powder trance, enhancing their natural abilities. While under the effects of this trance:
• Your strength modifier increases by 1.
• Ranged attacks made with a firearm have +1 to damage.
• You have advantage on perception checks related to seeing a great distance.
• Your movement increases by 10.
The trance lasts for thirty seconds. You can use this ability without consequence twice per long rest. Using this feature a third time adds a point of exhaustion. If you use this ability more than four times in one day you will go Powder Blind, and lose your abilities as a powder mage. Your abilities can be restored, but at great cost and difficulty.  

Firearm Effects

• Floating Shot: You may expend one vial to double the range of any firearm.
• Explosive Shot: You may expend one vial to create an explosion at the point of impact of a bullet. This negates the damage done by the bullet and instead creates an explosion that deals 1d8 fire damage with a 10 ft radius.
• Curved Shot: You may expend one vial to change the trajectory of a bullet, aiming it around half cover, or one enemy.
• High Velocity Shot: You expend two vials to increase the damage of any shot by 2.  

Combat Specialization

At level 3 you may pick any of the combat specializations detailed at the end of the class description. You gain additional features from your specialization at levels 5,7,10,14, and 20.  

Ability Score Improvement

You get a standard ability score improvement at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19. You may not increase an ability score past 20 using this feature.  

Extra Attack

At fifth level, you can attack twice when using the attack action on your turn. This applies to both melee and ranged attacks.  

Gunpowder Tolerance

At sixth level you gain an additional use of Powder Trance. The max number of times you can use this feature per day also increases by one.  

Improvised Explosive

At eighth level, you gain the ability to throw your powder horn and use it as an improvised explosive weapon. It has a range of 30/70 and deals 4d8 + wisdom modifier fire or force (your choice) damage in a 20 ft radius. Once thrown, you must purchase a new powder horn. Once this feature is used, you are unable to refill your powder vials until you procure a new powder horn.  

Heavy User

At eleventh level, your constant consumption of gunpowder has allowed you to benefit from some properties of the Powder Trance at all times:
• Your base movement speed is permanently increased by 10.
• On your first ranged attack with a firearm each turn, add 1d4 to the damage.  

Steady Hands

At fifteenth level, your hours of practice with a firearm have made you an expert marksman. Whenever you make an attack roll with a firearm, you may choose to re-roll the attack roll. You must decide to do so before the DM announces if it hits, and you must use the new roll. Critical hits gained on the second roll count as a 20 to hit, but do not give critical damage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your dexterity modifier. You regain all uses on a long rest.

Starting Equipment

• (a) Leather armor or (b) Chain Shirt
• (a) a rifle or (b) any one-handed martial weapon
• (a) a bayonet or (b) a pistol
• (a) An Explorer's Pack or (b) A Dungeoneer's Pack
• A powder-horn

Subclass Options

Sharp Shooter

Sharp Shooters are Powder Mages who have taken their mastery of long-distance combat to the extreme. These master marksmen can hit targets at ranges no other individuals can. They are able drastically alter the way their firearms operate, and are adept with sniper rifles. In addition, they are able to use their ability to sense gunpowder to track targets at long range.  

Extra Vials

Sharp Shooters are able to carry additional powder vials. You gain 3 powder vials upon selecting this combat specialization  

Sniper Training

You gain proficiency with sniper rifles.  

Long Range Combat

Your training as a sharp shooter has taught you additional ways to alter the way your sniper rifle operates:
• Sniper Shot: Expend two vials to triple the max range of a shot.
• Piercing Shot: Expend two vials to piece through up to half cover or one enemy. This shot may pass through one enemy and hit another, so long as they are in a straight line.
• Twin Shot: expend two vials to load two rounds into your sniper rifle. You fire both at the same time, and are able to direct each shot at a separate enemy, or the same enemy. This may only be done of your first attack.
• Crippling Shot: Expend one vial to shoot an enemy in the legs, halving their movement until the start of your next turn.
• Marking Shot: Expend four vials and load a tracer round into your rifle. Hitting an enemy marks them for your allies, giving any ally advantage on the next attack made against this enemy.  


 At fifth level, when out of powder vials, you can make a desperate attempt to hit a target, using any of the basic firearm effects without a vial. You have one use of this ability, and it resets on a long rest.  

Counter Sniper

 At seventh level, your familiarity with long range combat has made it easier to combat enemies with firearms at range. If an enemy misses you with a ranged attack, as a reaction you can make a counter attack against them with your sniper rifle, if you’re behind cover.  

Precision Shooter

 At tenth level, attacks you make with a firearm crit on a 19 or a 20  

Shooting Gallery

 At fourteenth level,you have a bipod to put on your sniper rifle. While behind half cover you may steady your aim with the bipod, adding 1 to any attack roll you make.  


 At eighteenth level, your sniper rifle’s ammo capacity has doubled. You have also fashioned a bandolier for your powder vials, allowing you to carry an extra four powder vials.  

Fish in a Barrel

At twentieth level, the effects of your powder trance have changed:
• Your dexterity modifier increases by 1.
• You gain the ability to reload your weapon as a bonus action.
• You gain 10 movement speed.
• Your attacks with your sniper rifle do +1 damage.
• All of the normal restrictions to this ability still apply  



Trench Sweeper

You gain proficiency with shotguns, and the ability to alter your shotgun’s function in the following ways:
• Dragon’s Breath: You may expend one powder vial to make your shotgun spout flame. The damage becomes 1d6 fire damage. The range becomes a 10 ft cone. Enemies hit by it must make a constitution save against a DC = 8 + your wisdom mod + proficiency mod. Enemies that fail at set on fire, taking 1d4 fire damage each turn. Burning enemies may re-roll this save as an action on their turn.
• Smoke Shot: You may expend two power vials to create a smoke screen at any point within the range of your shot gun. Enemies and allies both cannot see through it. Anyone attempting to make attack in it, or a ranged attack through it has disadvantage on that attack. This attack does no damage.
• Armor Shredder: You may expend two vials to reduce the AC of any enemy hit by 1. This effect stacks up to three times. This shot deals no damage. Each stack of this effect lasts for five turns.  

CQC Expert

You gain a fighting style of your choice, as well as proficiency with two handed weapons. You can carry three extra powder vials, and you do not have disadvantage when attacking from melee range with a shotgun.  

Quick Hands

At fifth level, your nerves have grown steady under fire, and your hands have become accustomed to reloading your weapon. You gain the ability to reload a firearm as a bonus action.  

Powder Addict

At seventh level, your tolerance for ingesting gunpowder has grown, allowing you to go into a powder trance more frequently. You may now use the Powder Trance ability one additional time per day, and likewise the number of uses you have before going Powder Blind increases by one.    

Into the Fray

At tenth level, you have honed your ability to fight effectively on the front lines, going where other powder mages fear to. You gain proficiency with heavy armor.  


At fourteenth level, you have grown adept at quickly manipulating gunpowder in simple ways. When an enemy with 30ft of you makes an attack with a firearm, you may use your reaction to expend a vial and force their firearm to misfire. You must use your reaction before the DM announces if the shot hits.  

Sawed Off

At eighteenth level, your practice with a shotgun has allowed you to dual wield sawed-off shot guns. These weapons are one handed instead of two, but have their range reduced by half. You may use your extra attack feature with your main hand weapon. You have to use your bonus action to attack with your offhand weapon.  

Powder Frenzy

At twentieth level, the effects of your Powder Trance have changed:
• Your dexterity modifier increases by 1
• You gain 20 movement.
• Your attacks with a shotgun deal +1 damage.
• You gain resistance to nonmagical piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage.
• The original restrictions of this ability apply.

LevelProficiency BonusFeatures
1st+2Marksman's Sight, Powder Vials, Powder Trance, Firearm Effects
3rd+2Combat Specialization
4th+2Ability Score Improvement
5th+3Extra Attack
6th+3Gunpowder Tolerance
8th+3Ability Score Improvement
11th+4Heavy User
12th+4Ability Score Improvement
15th+5Steady Hands
16th+5Ability Score Improvement
19th+6Ability Score Improvement

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