world of excal-heim
Wondrous Item
Rare all necklaces must be place on living and willing creatures at the same time. the necklaces's must then touch the scepter one at a time. Requires Attunement
Any creature wearing an active necklace shares its help with the rest of the creatures wear necklaces.
Should a necklace be removed from a still-living creature, said creature will immediately die and the shared Health pool will gain health equivalent to that creature's rolled hit dice.
While wearing the necklaces any creature is considered Undead and immune to necrotic damage.
Any creature wearing an active necklace must perform the orders of anyone holding the scepter.
If the scepter is broken all remaining creatures Bound by the necklaces will immediately die.
Should the Sceptre enter sunlight the spell that binds the items together is broken and creatures are free to remove the necklaces without fear of death.