Anchored Humans | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Anchored Humans

Ability Score Increase +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Kin to the Land. The land accepts you as readily as you accept it, and you share a nurturing relationship. You gain proficiency in either Nature or Animal Handling, as appropriate to your background and culture.   Quick Learner. Your mind is quick and eager to learn, and you apply yourself easily to study. At Level 1, you can take one feat.   Pack Tactics. When fighting with allies with which you are intimately familiar (up to DM's discretion, but generally speaking this is NOT allies you've never met or have just met), you gain advantage on attack rolls when you or that ally are within 5 feet of the same target. Your ally does not gain this bonus.

Languages. You speak the language of your culture, often Common.

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