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Nix_Deimos, Aeturna

Undead Vessel

7-level Necromancy

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: Touch
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material
Materials: pure silver worth 300 gp, a raven’s feather, and an eyeball from a humanoid that is in pristine condition, worth 120 gp - all of which are consumed by the spell
Duration: Concentration, Concentration, up to 24 hours

Holding onto the pristine humanoid eyeball in one hand, you touch an undead creature that is under your control (with a physical body) with the other and astrally project your awareness into it. You assume control of the undead creature’s body and a thin, silvery-purple wisp of magical energy trails from your forehead and into the back of the undead creature’s skull. This is your astral tether, which fades to invisibility after 1 minute. A Detect Magic spell will reveal the unbroken magical tether between the two of you, which can be severed by:
  • A Dispel Magic spell.
  • If your concentration is broken.
  • If your body and your Undead Vessel are on separate planes of existence.
  • If the distance between you exceeds a mile.
  • If the eyeball is destroyed.
  • Or if your body or the Undead Vessel are reduced to 0 hit points.

While projecting into this undead creature, your body remains motionless and senseless, but breathing - as though you were sleepwalking. As a bonus action, if you can see your body, you can command it to move half its speed and do simple tasks, but it cannot talk, run, or take actions, and any skill checks attempted with it automatically fail. Your body still experiences pain, but it registers as a dull ache in the back of your mind while projecting. Any other senses from your body are so faint that they can’t be registered. Also, while projecting into the Undead Vessel, you may cast spells from its perspective, assuming that it has a mouth, hands, and material components to cast them. You cannot attune to magic items or make use of magic items that require attunement while projecting.

You assume the senses and all physical characteristics of the Undead Vessel. Your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores replace the Undead Vessel’s. You maintain your skill proficiencies, and they maintain all of their actions, which you control. Only attacks and other harmful effects against your actual body will force you to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on the spell.

You may successfully end your connection to the undead as an action, without any negative consequences. If the telepathic tether is cut, or your concentration is ended early, make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a fail, you take 8d8 psychic damage and you are stunned for one round. On a success, you take half as much damage and are not stunned.
Available for: Wizard

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