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Nix_Deimos, Aeturna

Create Crawling Claw

1-level Necromancy

Ritual - does not require spell slot, takes 10 minutes longer
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range/Area: Touch
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material
Materials: one hand from a Small or Medium humanoid creature that has died a violent death, worth 2 sp
Duration: Instantaneous

During this ritual, you animate a humanoid corpse’s hand into an undead servant (see “Crawling Claw, MM p. 44) which you control telepathically for up to 24 hours.

You may re-assert control of the Crawling Claw by re-casting this spell on it, or by casting the Animate Dead before the end of the 24 hour period. Re-casting Create Crawling Claw will re-assert control of up to four Crawling Claws under your control. Casting Animate Dead will re-assert control of up to 16 Crawling Claws that you control. If control is not maintained by the Crawling Claw’s creator, it will attempt to follow its last command to the best of its ability. While not under the control of its creator, the Crawling Claw cannot be turned, nor can it be controlled by spells that control undead (as described in the MM p. 44).

While the Crawling Claw is within 100 ft. of you, you can communicate with it telepathically. Your Crawling Claw acts independently of you, but follows all of your commands (though it can’t reply with anything other than hand signals). In combat, the Crawling Claw rolls its own initiative. If you control multiple Crawling Claws, roll initiative for the group.
Available for: Wizard

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