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Medallion of Malediction

Wondrous Item

Varies Requires Attunement

Rare. Amulet.

While you wear this pendant, when you fall unconscious, you immediately start with one death saving throw success.
In addition, whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, you add your proficiency bonus to the roll.

Each Order of the Blood Hunters maintains their own design, traditions, and enchantments regarding their Medallions. A closely guarded secret among the Orders, the magical properties each medallion possesses is known to only those who undergo the Rites within a particular order.

The Order of the Profane Soul's medallion is designed in the shape of an Oni to represent their deal with the devil in order to protect the Material Plane from abyssal threats, though many who see it interpret the medallion to say more about the Blood Hunters being monsters themselves.

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