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Meginus Lindi

Trade Good


Once ingested, gain the following effects for 10 minutes

  • +2 AC

  • +2 to all attacks

  • Advantage on Strength and Dexterity checks

  • Proficiency in Constitution saving throws (If not already)

  • Gains resistance to slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage

  • Immunity to the Fear condition

  • At the start of each turn, make an Intelligence check with DC 15. If the check fails, any allies are now perceived as enemies. However, you will still deal with any closer threats first.

After the 10 minutes have elapsed, gain the following effects in order:

  • Immediately gain 2 points of exhaustion

  • Lose 10 current and max HP

  • If unconscious, immediately fail 2 death saving throws

All adverse side-effects disappear after a long rest.

Cost: 50gp per gram
Weight: Average dose is 2 grams

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Statblock Type

