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Zealous Conviction - Enchantment 6

Traditions Components
divine occult somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
2 actions 30 Feet up to 10 willing creatures 10 min -
You bypass your targets' rational minds, instilling them with unshakable conviction and zeal. The targets each gain 12 temporary Hit Points and a +2 status bonus to Will saves against mental effects, as their faith overrides the signals from their own bodies and minds. If you tell a target to do something, it must comply with your request, though if it would normally find the task repugnant, it can attempt a Will save at the end of its turn each round due to the cognitive dissonance. On a success, it ends the spell's effects on itself entirely. Heightened (9th) The temporary Hit Points increase to 18, and the status bonus to Will saves increases to +3.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

