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Spells of Stellarium

Commune with Clergy

4-level Divination

Ritual - does not require spell slot, takes 10 minutes longer
Casting Time: 10 Minutes (Ritual)
Range/Area: Self
Components: V, S, M
Materials: Holy Water and a Focus such as a crystal ball or silver mirror worth at least 10 platinum
Duration: Concentration, Concentration, 10 minutes

When casting this spell, you must speak the receiver's Name, Rank, and General Area such as the name of their residing town, Church location, or current location.   There's is a 5% chance of failure if less information is provided. On a success you can see and speak with the receiver through your focus in a private matter. While communicating with the other person, no one would understand the conversation unless a member of a clergy and can Speak Celestial. When casting this spell outside of a church, components are required and you cannot be standing in desecrated land or else the spell will automatically fail.
At higher levels: At higher levels, you can commune with additional clergy members. One additional recipient per level.
Available for: Cleric

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