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Pale Orange Rhomboid, Aeon Stone - ITEM 19

Usage Worn ; Bulk 0; Activate Upon Death;

Over millennia, these mysterious, intricately cut gemstones have been hoarded by mystics and fanatics hoping to discover their secrets. Despite their myriad forms and functions, these stones are purportedly all fragments of crystal tools used by otherworldly entities to construct the universe in primeval times.   When you invest one of these precisely shaped crystals, the stone orbits your head instead of being worn on your body. You can stow an aeon stone with an Interact action, and an orbiting stone can be snatched out of the air with a successful Disarm action against you. A stowed or removed stone remains invested, but its effects are suppressed until you return it to orbit your head again.   There are various types of aeon stones, each with a different shape, color, and magical effect. Each aeon stone also gains a resonant power when slotted into a special magical item called a wayfinder.

Type Transmutation; Level 19; Price 40,000 gp;
  • Access Member of the Cartographers Guild.

The first time each day you die, your vital and spiritual essences mingle together and reside within this aeon stone. You have a limited sense of how many life forces are currently within 30 feet of the stone, which you can potentially use to determine when it's safe to call on the stone's power. At any time within the next hour after your body died, you can spend 1 minute concentrating in order to return to your body. As long as your body is still intact, you are no longer dead— you are restored to 1 HP with the doomed 3 and wounded 3 conditions. You can benefit from the effects of only one pale orange rhomboid aeon stone in a given day.

The resonant power allows you to wait more than an hour to return to your body with the aeon stone; as long as the wayfinder remains on the body, your body doesn't decay and you can return at any point.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

