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The color calls to you. Flakes in the stream or veins in the mountains, no matter where it is you seek it out. Whether an expert or an enthusiastic amateur looking to strike it rich, you have come to the north to hit the motherlode.

Skill Proficiencies Athletics, Nature
Tool Proficiencies mason's tools, jeweler's tools
Languages One of your choice
Equipment mason’s tools, jeweler’s tools, several pans, favorite rock hammer, an empty sack


Fool’s Gold: Your eye for the color gold has no peer. You can appraise objects the value of precious metals. This feature might allow you to know that an idol contains 100 gp worth of silver, but not that it would be worth 1000 gp to the right antiquities collector.


d8Personality Trait
1Living things are great, but dirt and rocks are what everything is built upon.
2I love shiny things.
3Loose lips are more dangerous than a winter storm. Stay quiet and watch.
4The earth speaks to you, whispering of its secrets.
5My attention drifts as my thoughts turn inside.
6I will fight to protect what is mine.
7I have a tendency to use technical terms from geology and mining.
8I have struck it rich before but squandered it and am looking for a second chance.


1Logician: Life is a puzzle to be solved. (Lawful)
2Self-Reliance: Rely on yourself first. (Any)
3Gluttony: Wealth buys comfort and you want it all. (Evil)
4Try Anything: There could be a find just about anywhere. Keep searching and you are bound to come across the big find. (Chaotic)
5Share: Wealth is meant to be shared. (Good)
6Steady: The land is filled with patience and I try to emulate it. (Neutral)


1Those that reward me buy my trust.
2Solitude brings inner peace.
3I have a large family and I need to strike it rich in order to lift them out of poverty.
4An elderly loner left me his journal detailing a great find that I’m searching for.
5I believe in those who work hard.
6I give it rarely, but if I give my word, I always keep it.


1A desire for fame calls me to take chances.
2I will do anything to be rich.
3I’ve been in the wilderness so long that I have trouble relating to others.
4I secretly killed someone and have travelled across the world to escape capture.
5I spend freely with no care for tomorrow.
6I will steal from others to get ahead.

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