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Distance AP Benchmarks and Upper Limits

Compiled from page 180 of DC Heroes 3rd Edition by Mayfair Games, published in 1993 and then corrected via Technical charts and tables from Writeups dot Org. This table lists useful approximate benchmarks within the range of measurements covered by a given AP distance, followed by an example of something that matches this AP measurement in at least one dimension, followed by the upper limit of that range.


APsBenchmarkroughly equivalent to:Upper Limit
010 feetwidth of typical booth or tent at a convention10 feet
120 feetrequired minimum length of a parking space inside a parking garage in NYC20 feet
240 feetlength of a standard metal shipping container40 feet
380 feetan entire roll of thermal printer paper all rolled out flat80 feet
4150 feetcommon length for garden hose or CAT6 network cable160 feet (53 yds 1 ft or 48.8 m)
5100 yardsstandard football field length between end zones320 feet (106 yds 2 ft or 97.5 m)
6200 yardsHarlem River width at Lexington Avenue subway crossing640 feet (213 yds 1 ft or 195.1 m)
71/8 milerange actually covers from just over a tenth of a mile up to nearly a quarter mile!1280 ft (426 yds 2 ft or 390.1 m)
81/4 mileheight of the Empire State Building, 2 to 4 city blocks in NYC or Metropolis2560 feet (853 yds 1 ft or 780.2 m, nearly half a mile)
91/2 mileCentral Park width from Fifth Avenue to Central Park West5120 feet (1706 yds 2 ft or 1.56 km, 0.97 mile)
101 mile10240 feet (3413 yds 1 ft or 3.12 km, 1.94 miles)
112 milesnorth-south length of Central Park is 2 miles, east-west width of Manhattan Island is about 2.3 miles3 miles 4640 feet (6286 yds 2 ft or 6.24 km)
124 miles7 miles 4000 feet (13653 yds 1 ft or 12.48 km)
138 milesnorth-south length of Manhattan Island is 13.4 miles15 miles 2720 feet (27306 yds 2 ft or 24.97 km)
1416 miles31 miles 160 feet (54613 yds 1 ft or 49.94 km)
1532 miles62 miles 320 feet (109320 yds or 99.89 km)
1664 milesBoston, MA to Concord, NH124 miles 640 feet (218460 yds or 199.76 km)
17125 milesVienna, Austria to Budapest, Hungary248 miles 1280 feet (436920 yds or 399.52 km)
18250 mileslength of Lake Volta in Ghana496 miles 2560 feet (873840 yds or 799.04 km)
19500 mileseverybody sing!992 miles 5120 feet (1747680 yds or 1598.08 km)
201000 milesGreece to Germany1985 miles 4960 feet (3495360 yds or 3196.16 km)

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