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Hamund Handbook Volume 1

Blighted Ash

Trade Good


When the flesh of a defeated death knight is burned in a ritual fire, the resulting
ashes retain the same dark aura of its original form. If one has the resolve for it,
these ashes can be mixed with oils and special powders then applied to the body to
gain certain protections from the undead.

Use: You may mix these ashes with 20 gold pieces worth of rare oils and powdered
gems to create a paste that grants certain defences against undead when rubbed
into the body. For 24 hours after using it on yourself, undead creatures have
disadvantage on any Wisdom (Perception) checks made to find you. In addition, you
gain resistance to any necrotic damage dealt from an undead source and advantage
on any saving throw imposed by an undead creature.

Cost: 800 gp
Weight: 3 lb

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