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ability score increase: +2 of choice, +1 Wis
age: The Axol live for an average of 70 years.
alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Small
speed: 25 ft
Languages: Common, Elvish, One of choice.
race features:
Amphibious: The Axol are Amphibious creatures, they can breathe on land and in water. However, the Axol can only breath saltwater for one hour per con modifier. (Ex: A Axol with a con of 16 can breathe saltwater for three hours)   Quick Learner: Choose 2 skills to be proficient in   Regenerative Properties: The Axol people have the rare ability to regenerate damage from themselves. Once per long rest an Axol may restore 1d6+level hp. Once every 20 years, if a limb was lost the Axol can spend a week of rest the regenerate the lost limb.    Freshwater Sense: Axolotls are able to sense nearby sources of fresh water. The closer it is the easier it is to detect.

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