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Jug of Crocodile and Man

Wondrous Item

Legendary Requires Attunement

Ceramic, brown glazed-jug. Holds 1 gal of liquid and weighs 12 lbs, full or empty. A ceramic jug with a round base and a slightly oval rim with a handle on either side. The lid fits snuggly over the opening, creating a water-tight seal, and has a carving of a crocodile head on one side, and a male human head on the other, which act as spouts.

Once attuned, the empty jug pours a continuous stream of clear water from the crocodile mouth and a continuous stream of dry, fine sand through the human mouth when tipped to one side or the other (both at a rate of 1 gal per minute). The attuned spellcaster can feel a circular maze at the base of the jug, though no maze can be seen. Also, the attuned spellcaster can see and feel around the lip of the lid the following story, which is inscribed in the ceramic in Old Omuan (which others cannot see or feel):

‘In the early days of the world, Man found himself on the sandy banks of a wide river, afraid.
“What’s wrong, human?,” asked Crocodile. “I wish to cross your river, crocodile. But I fear that you and your kin will attack me,” Man replied. “It’s true, you would not be safe. But I will carry you safely across on my back, if you promise to return the favor.” Man agreed and climbed onto Crocodile’s back, who bore him safely across the river.’

On the first day of attunement, the surface of the jug is smooth. Once a day after dawn, however, the attuned spellcaster may meditate for 10 minutes in order to reveal an illustrated carving and a brief story on the surface of the jug, which will only be visible to them. Roll 2d6****
to determine which of the six carved images appear, along with a brief story carved below the image. The story is written in Old Omuan and words in bold appear to be glowing. If the keeper of the jug places special ingredients within, a new liquid will pour out of each spout (depending on which way the jug is tipped) and the carving will become visible to others. The image will remain on the surface of the jug until it is no longer attuned.

After all six images are permanently visible on the jug, the maze at the base becomes visible as well, revealing the Sacred Maze of Ubtao. After which, the attuned spellcaster can Roll 2d6 ****
at dawn to determine the number of charges for that day. To use a charge, as an action, Roll ****

to determine which illustrated carving will be used. This carving will start to shimmer faintly and the contents can be poured out without requiring material components. Both spouts can have their contents poured out once with a single charge; after which, the attuned spellcaster must roll another d6 and another charge must be expended. Clean water and fine sand can always be poured from the jug, at will.

1. When they reached the far bank, it began to rain. The human’s hair lay heavy on his shoulders, but the crocodile’s scales were unchanged. “How can I repay you?” the Man asked. “I wish to see the realm of Man, but I fear to go there alone, for your kind will surely attack me. Carry me on your back, so that I may see your realm in safety.” Man thought himself tricked, but a promise is a promise, so he bore Crocodile on his back and walked the realm of Man.

2. As Man carried Crocodile deep into the forest, they began to hear a low buzzing noise. “What luck!” thought Man, “That must be a beehive! We will find honey and I will make Tej!” But when they saw an enormous paper nest, they knew they were in for trouble. A dead, male Batiri was hanging upside-down at the nest entrance, his pale face and neck swollen from Throat Leeches, Shivery Sickness, and wasp venom. Before they could run away, a giant wasp swooped down and tried to sting Man. Crocodile was faster than the wasp, however, and bit down hard on the wasp’s head with his mighty jaws. Seizing the moment, Man reached out with both hands and tore out its venom sack, killing the wasp instantly. The sack sprayed Man and Crocodile in a sticky grease that made them invisible to the other wasps, and they ran away.

3. “Thank you,” said Man. “If you weren’t on my back, I would’ve been killed.” As the crocodile nodded an appreciative reply, Man noticed that the Crocodile’s great jaws and throat got stuck in a vine. “Assassin Vine!,” thought Man in a panic, and he reached up with a sharp stone and cut the vine, freeing the crocodile. As the crocodile voiced his thanks to Man, he felt Man moving toward a mass of vines clinging to a stone pillar, as though under a trance. Underneath the plant, Crocodile noticed one of the Vethr slowly rise from the roots of the plant - with a yellow musk creeper orchid sprouting from her right ear! Crocodile acted quickly, swiping at the orchid with his long tail and knocking over the dwarvish zombie. Man was shaken out of his trance and both of them managed to escape, each promising to pay closer attention.




Weight: 12 lb

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Statblock Type

