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Halfling, Strongheart

Though they have very different outlooks on life time to time Stouts and Light-foots settle down to build a family together. When that happens the children born will feel the pull of the road and of the hearth.
ability score increase: +1 CHA
age: Considered fully grown at 25 with a life span up to 170 years
alignment: Alignments are based on the individual
Size: Small
speed: 15ft per action point
Languages: Common language of the area
parent race: Halfling
race features:
Seize Oppertunity
Stronghearts tend to be the most oppertunistic of the Hin, as such they can spend a 10 minute ritual to hear of work or other oppertunity to gain coin when in a settlement.  
Homestead training
Stronghearts depending on whether they grew in a settlement or convoy gain the benefits of either Call of the Road, Bounder Guard or gain profiency in one tool kit of your choice.  
Weakness of blood
Stronghearts have strength from both their parents but also the weakness, pick either of the weakness trait either Down by the River or Wanderlust from the Stout and Lightfoot Halfling subclasses. You now have this weakness.

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